Royal Love - AU

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Summary: They are both princesses but the codes of the society or their families are making their life more difficult than it already is. [Y/N] and Hailee are deeply in love with each other.

words count: 3,231

• 3rd POV •

      In a world where kingdoms stood as islands of power and privilege, there were two young royals who defied the odds. Princess Hailee Steinfeld, the 17-year-old heiress to one kingdom, and Princess [Y/N], the 16-year-old scion of another, were destined to marry and unite their realms.

      Yet, beneath the regal façade, a secret love blossomed between them. Their kingdoms, sworn enemies for generations, could never accept their love. The enmity ran deep, making Hailee and [Y/N]'s love a dangerous and forbidden affair.

      Under the shroud of night, the moon's gentle glow bathed [Y/N]'s opulent, oversized bedroom in a silvery light. The princess lay still in her enormous four-poster bed, surrounded by silken sheets and lace, but her heart pulsed with the rhythm of adventure.

      Tonight, she couldn't resist the magnetic pull of her secret love, Hailee. With great care, [Y/N] slipped out from under the covers, careful not to make a sound that might alert her vigilant mother.

      Her mother, Queen Isabella, believed her daughter to be fast asleep, unaware of the clandestine rendezvous planned for this very night. [Y/N] had perfected the art of deception, knowing that her mother would never approve of her trysts with a member of the rival royal family.

      Her bare feet touched the cool marble floor as she made her way to the grand balcony that overlooked the sprawling palace gardens. The night air kissed her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. [Y/N] looked out toward the moonlit river, where she knew Hailee would be waiting.

      With practiced ease, she donned a cloak to conceal her identity. Its deep, velvety blue fabric blended seamlessly with the shadows, making her all but invisible to the watchful eyes of the palace guards.

      As [Y/N] made her way through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, her heart raced with anticipation. She had rehearsed her lie to perfection, ready to deflect any suspicion her mother might have.

      Upon reaching the palace's grand entrance, [Y/N] encountered her mother, Queen Isabella, who stood there like a sentinel. The queen's eyes, sharp and calculating, bore into her daughter.

"Where are you going at this hour, dear?" Queen Isabella inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

      [Y/N] forced a smile, her voice steady as she lied, "I couldn't sleep, Mother. I thought a walk by the river might calm my restless mind."

      The Queen's gaze softened, and she reached out to caress [Y/N]'s cheek. "Very well, my dear. But do be careful. The night can be full of surprises."

      With a quick nod, [Y/N] slipped past her mother and out into the moonlit night. The river beckoned, and Hailee's waiting arms were a promise of stolen moments and forbidden love.

      As [Y/N] descended the palace steps and made her way to the rendezvous point by the river, her heart danced with both fear and excitement, knowing that the love she shared with Hailee was worth every risk and deception.

      [Y/N] ventured deeper into the moonlit forest that bordered the palace grounds, her heart quickened with each step. The path was overgrown and dimly lit, but her determination to reunite with Hailee fueled her onward.

      Finally, the soft murmur of the river reached her ears, and the gentle rustling of leaves revealed Hailee's presence. There, beneath the silvery moonlight, stood her beloved Hailee, radiant as ever in a simple gown that seemed to capture the essence of the night itself.

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