Jealousy *

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summary: Hailee comes back home finding [Y/N] having fun with her friend. Someone gets a little jealous...

warnings: G!P Haiz, degradation, sub/dom

words count: 3,742

• 3rd POV •

[Y/N] and her friend, Maeve, sat on the couch, both holding glasses of wine. The room was dimly lit, and the soft hum of music in the background created a cozy atmosphere. The empty wine bottles on the table hinted at the evening's progression.

Maeve, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol, leaned in closer to [Y/N] and grinned mischievously. "So, tell me about this Hailee of yours. She's the superstar, right?"

Hailee's work had been consuming her life lately. Music recording sessions had her in the studio until the late hours of the night, and she often felt like her time with [Y/N] was slipping away. The constant requests from her girlfriend to be there, to spend time together, were echoing in her mind. She knew she was letting [Y/N] down, but her dedication to her career was unwavering.

[Y/N] giggled, her words slightly slurred from the wine. "Yeah, that's her. She's amazing, Maeve, truly. But, lately, she's been so busy with her music, and I've been feeling so lonely."

Maeve nodded sympathetically, her empathetic gaze focusing on her friend. "I can't imagine what it's like to be dating a celebrity. But, [Y/N], you deserve attention too, you know. How are you holding up?"

With a sigh, [Y/N] admitted, "It's tough. I miss her so much. I keep asking if she'll be home, but she's always stuck in the studio or at some event. It's like she's slipping away, and I'm just here waiting."

[Y/N] had spent hours preparing for their long-awaited date night with Hailee. She had carefully chosen the perfect outfit and even set the table with candles and their favorite meal. Anticipation had built up, and she couldn't wait to spend quality time with her busy girlfriend.

The agreed-upon time for their date approached, and [Y/N] anxiously checked her phone. Hailee was supposed to be back home by now, but there was no sign of her. [Y/N] sent a message, "Hey, are you on your way?"

Minutes turned into hours, and [Y/N] sat alone at the table, her excitement fading into disappointment. Hailee had forgotten about their date, or perhaps she was just too caught up in her work to even remember.

As the evening grew later, [Y/N] couldn't help but feel hurt and neglected. She had been looking forward to this time together, but it seemed that, once again, Hailee's demanding career had taken precedence.

Maeve reached out and gently patted [Y/N]'s hand. "You need to take care of yourself, darling. Maybe it's time to remind Hailee what she has at home, make her see what she's missing."

They clinked their wine glasses together, and [Y/N] raised her glass in a half-drunk salute. "You know what, Maeve, you're right. I need to let her know I have needs and desires too."

[Y/N] and Maeve continued to share laughter and jokes, completely engrossed in their tipsy camaraderie. Their voices carried through the living room, filling the air with warmth and the joyful abandon of old friends.

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