"Who is my daddy ?" | LAST PART

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"Let's get this party started!" I kissed her forehead while staring at her beautiful hazel eyes. The same as mine.

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hailee's pov

We were all sitting around the table. My mom was sitting at the end of the table, I was in front of my dad, Griffin next to him and y/n next to me and in front of Griff.

"Y/N, honey, it's time for you to blow out your candles!"

"But I want to blow out them with you..."

"Oke oke.." I stood up next to Y/N while my mom brought the huge cake and put it in front of us. The cake was made especially for her. Chocolate with some strawberries on it but there were y/n's fav disney characters drew on it: Simba from The Lion King, Belle from The Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Tiana from The Princess and the Frog, Lady from The Lady and the Tramp and many others.

"Ready little princess?" Griffin said while putting a crown on her head. "Yes!" She replied with a big smile.

"On 3, oke?" I looked at her and she nodded. "1..." "2..." she counted after me "3!" she blew on the candles and I faked blowing because I wanted her to be the only one to blow out them. "Yeahhh congrats! You're 6 now!" I kissed her cheek while smiling. "Ladies and gentlemen, Y/N Steinfeld is no longer 5 years old!" Y/N giggled and the rest of my family were laughing.

"MoOoOoooOmma?" Y/N looked at me.

"Yes baby?"

"Can I open my presents now?"

"Can't you wait a bit longer..?"

"Nahhh!" She was doing her puppy eyes.

"Oke oke... no need to make these eyes..." I chuckled and put her on her feet.

"I want yours first!" She said, pointing at Griffin.

"Mine? Who told you I had gifts for you?" He smirked and that made Y/N pout.

"Dwight told me! He saw you bring them and he told me."

"So.. Dwight talks to you?"

"Yes! I speak dog language."

"You're really smart then!" Griffin said, 'fake' impressed.

"Come on uncle Griff! Give them to me..."

"I don't know. Have you been a good daughter during this year?" He asked her but looked at me.

"Let's say she has her little behavior..." I laughed a bit before eating a slice of cake.

"I have been a good girl mommy!" It was the icing on the cake. I suddenly was choking on what Y/N just said.

"What is funny momma?"

"No— Nothing sweetie. It's nothing. It's because of the cake. Not you... Don't worry." I reassured her but I could feel Griffin glare at me because we understood the same thing. "What about you open your presents now?"

"Yes but uncle Griff doesn't want to give them to me!"

"Turn around." He said to her so she did it and her pupils were about to explode.

"Yesssss!" She exclaimed, happy.

Y/N was about to tear the gift wrap but I quickly took my phone from my pocket and started filming and taking pictures.

"Come on! Tear the gift wrap!" I encouraged her so she did it. In a few seconds, we could see a car appear. No way...

"You bought me a car!" She shouted to Griffin before hugging him tightly.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz