FBI pt5

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A/n: im sorry for not updating im rlly busy and theres a lot happening in my life rn. So im trying yall. Anyway love u hope u enjoy!

Summary: pt5

Wc: 1869

Warnings: mention of murder and kidnapping
"Where were you at the night of the murder?"

"I–was at work." Hailee calmly responds.

"Until when?" Emily asks

"Around 10 I think."

"Okay. What did you do then?"

"I was just at home waiting for Y/n to get home." The brunette responds smiling at me.

"Can anyone confirm that?" Emily questions.

"No–no I was alone, but you can check my car GPS–I didn't go anywhere." Hailee responds.

"Mhm." Emily hums. "We will. Now Hailee." She pauses for a second pulling out a small plastic bag which contains a gold necklace. "Is this yours?" Emily puts it on the table right in front of Hailee.

Hailee's eyes widen as she recognised the necklace. She places a hand on her neck and sighs deeply as she doesn't feel the necklace.

"I–Yes it is. I guess." She sighs.

"We found it at the apartment." Emily states. "Any idea how it got there?"

"N–no." She replies shortly.

My eyes look down seeing her leg bouncing anxiously. Her arms are crossed across her chest however I can see her hands shaking a little bit.

"Hmmm. Interesting." Emily hums placing the necklace to the side. "Now Mrs. Steinfeld." She pauses opening the case file to the picture of the floor that has all of our names written in blood. Emily turns the picture around and place it in front of Hailee. Her eyes scan the photograph, but her face has no reaction at all.

"Do you recgonize that photograph?" Emily asks.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure." Hailee leans back in her chair her eyes looking around the room.

"Well." Emily starts taking out another photograph, however I don't recgonize this one. She again places it in front of Hailee on the tope of the other one. "Do you recgonize this?"

Hailee's eyes scan the picture and her body shifts on the chair. "No."

"That's interesting because that is a graffiti you made while in high-school. It's attached to your criminal record since you did some time in juvie because of it. Is that right?" Emily explains and Hailee stares blankly at her.

"No comment." She says shortly averting her eyes again.

"See this." Emily separates the two pictures pointing to an A in both pictures. "It's an odd way to write an A, and it perfectly matches—which tells me you are the one that wrote this on the apartment floor. So I'm gonna ask again, where were you at the night of the murder?"

Hailee nervously bounces her leg as our eyes connect. "I wanna talk to Y/n."

"You can't it—"

"Listen." Hailee cuts her off, leaning towards her with her elbows on the table. "You want information, and I will talk but only to Y/n. I'm not giving you shit until I talk to her."

Emily looks from Hailee and then to me. I nod and she gets up from the chair walking towards me. "Fine." She sighs leaning against the wall.

"No Emily get out." Hailee says.

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