New Years

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A/n: happy new year!! Thank you for everything you've done for me in 2023. It's absolutely insane how much I've grown since I started writing in February! All of that is thanks to you guys! So thank you! I have so much planned for 2024 and I hope you will enjoy it! Anyway enjoy some angst yall!

Summary: idk either

Wc: 1390

Warnings: body shaming ig, violence
"You look great baby." My wife says, wrapping her arms around my waist. I smile feeling her chin rest on my shoulder so our eyes can meet in the mirror in front of me.

"Thank you." I say.

This year Hailees parents have invited us to wait for the new year with them and some of Hailees cousins. Hailee was really excited since she hasn't seen some of these people in ages. I of course love her family and being with them for the holidays has been really fun.

In one quick motion Hailee spins me around, her hands still on my waist. Our eyes meet as a small blush creeps up on my cheeks. Even after all these years she can still make me blush.

"I love you Y/n/n." She says.

"I love you too." I smile, connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.

"Woah! Can you guys not keep it in your pants for 2 minutes?" Griffin sarcastically says as he enters the guest room. Hailee and I pull apart both giggling at him.

"Shut up." Hailee rolls her eyes.

"Whatever." He says. "Mom and dad are looking for you two."

"Yeah we are coming right down." Hailee answers and he nods leaving the room.

Hailee and I leave after him, making our way downstairs where her family is sitting and chatting.

"There they are!" Cheri exclaims, making everyone look at our direction.

"Sit kids, sit." Peter says pointing to an empty spot on the sofa.

Hailee smiles at her dad before she sits down pulling me to sit next to her.

"We were just asking everyone what their favourite part of the year was." Griffin says, taking a seat next to his girlfriend. "So tell us lovebirds."

Hailee chuckles. "It's been a great year but I have to say our wedding was my favourite part." She says looking at me. I smile and steal a quick kiss from her lips.

"You two are adorable." One of Hailees cousins says.

"What about you Y/n?" Griffin asks.

"I have to agree with Hailee. The wedding was amazing." I answer, a huge smile on my face.

As the night goes on we talk, dance, sing and mostly laugh. Hailees family had always been so welcoming and so supportive. They never fail to put a smile on my face. It's about ten minutes before midnight right now.

"So," Hailees cousin, Ana says as she makes her way over to where Hailee and I are standing. "How are you guys?"

"Great. How are you?" Hailee says, wrapping a protective arm around my waist.

Ana hasn't liked me since the day I met her. She always makes small comments about me or the way I look. When we announced we were engaged she pulled Hailee to the side and told her "you can do way better than that.". This led to Hailee absolutely losing her mind and almost attacking her.

"I'm good." She says, an evil smile on her face. Her eyes trail down to the wine glass in my hand. "Should you be drinking?"

"Uhm, yeah there's no reason I shouldn't." I reply, confused. "Why are you asking?"

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