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A/n: been neglecting this book icl. Anyhow this one is inspired by a song called timebomb by Charley. Hope u enjoy. Also I'm using my first language in here so the translations are in brackets!

Summary: Hailee and Y/n meet while Hailee is on a holiday.

Wc: 957

Warnings: none
Hailee's pov:
I step out of the airport the sun shining bright, the heat in the air almost unbearable.

"It's so hot here." My best friend, Katie sighs.

"It is." I nod, as she waves for a taxi.

The taxi pulls up next to us and the man opens his door walking over to our side.

"Hi!" Katie greets him.

"Good afternoon." The man smiles, his accent thick as he opens the door. "I can take your bags to the back if you'd like."

"That'd be great. Thanks." I smile, handing him over my suitcase and Katie does the same. He goes to the trunk of the car as Katie and I sit in the car a nice sense of vanilla filling the air.
Katie and I have been exploring the wonderful city of Zadar for the day. However now it is around 11pm and we found the nearest club, which we are currently in.

Y/n's pov:
I sit at the corner of the club along with some of my friends, as we sip on our drinks all of us making drunken jokes.

"Nah, Y/n trebaš curu nać, ovo stvarno nije smješno više." David, says, taking another shot. (Nah, Y/n you really need to find a girlfriend, this isn't funny anymore.)

I roll my eyes at his comment. "Nisam ja ko ti Davide da se bacam na svaku curu koja naiđe." (I'm not like you David, to throw myself at every girl that passes by.)

"A odjebi." He waves me off with his hand. (A, fuck off.) I smirk as I notice a girl walking through the door.

She's wearing a black mini dress with a leather jacket, and some black heels. Her hair is let loose on her shoulders with some minimum make up on her face. She honestly looked gorgeous.

"Au, je dobra ženska." My friend Ivan says. As he eyes her like she's a piece of meat.(Damn she is so hot.)

"Odvratan si." I roll my eyes at him. (You're disgusting.) "Jel mislite da je turist?" I ask, my friends and they nod. (Do you guys think she's a tourist?)

"100%." Gabi says. "Nikad je prije nisam vidila." She adds. (I've never seen her before.)

I hum, looking over at the woman once more as I do her eyes meet mine. My heart skips a beat as our eyes stayed glued to each other.

I stand up from our table and my friends let out some "woo's" and "yes Y/n!!" as I walk away.

The woman in the dress keeps her eyes on me as I walk over to her. My hands smooth over my dress and I clear my throat.

"Hi." She smiles.

That's my sign to switch to english.

"Hello." I smile. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Oh, I'm not 21 yet-"

"So you're American?" I chuckle and she looks at me confused. "We are in Croatia darling, you can drink if you're over 18."

"Really?" She asks, and I nod.

"Yep." I nod. "So how old are you?"

"19." She says. "You?"

"19 as well." I smile. "So that drink?"

"Why not?" She smiles and I lead her over to the bar.

"What's your poison?" I ask, and she chuckles.

"I don't mind." She says. "Maybe a margarita or something."

"Cool." I nod. "Hey, Marko." I call for the bartender and he walks over.

"Šta hoćeš Y/n?" He questions, sarcastically. (What do you want Y/n?)

"Dvi margarite, molim te." I say with a smile. (Two margaritas please.)

"Dolaze odma." He nods, walking away. (Coming right up.)

"So you're from here?" The brunette questions.

"Born and raised." I smile. "I'm Y/n by the way." I extend my hand for her to shake.

"Hailee." She says shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Hailee."

"Nice to meet you too Y/n."
The morning sun bursts through the curtains shinning the directly in my eyes. With a groan I try and turn around but I notice something keeping me in place.

I look down seeing the brunette from last night next to me, her arm draped around my waist making it impossible for me to move without waking her up.

A smirk forms on my face as I keep looking at the brunette, the flashbacks from last night replaying in my mind.

Her body shifts slightly and her eyes open, looking directly into mine.

"Morning, ljubavi." I smile. (Love)

"Morning." She whispers, pecking my lips quickly.

"You have anything planned today?" I ask, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I was gonna go to the beach and explore the city a bit more I guess." Hailee answers, leaning into my palm that rests on her cheek.

"You need a tour guide?" I smirk.

"I do actually." She says her lips froming into a smirk as well.

"Good then, we can leave as soon as we eat breakfast." I try moving out of bed but Hailee pins me back down to it, and in a quick motion she climbs on top of me a wide smirk on her face.

"My breakfast is already here." She says, kissing my lips hungrily.
A/n: hope u enjoyed that! Ive mixed my tow languages but i hope u liked it. Dont forget to comment and vote! Until next time stay safe and take care of urself! I love you all! Byeeeee!

P.S. Part 2?

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