FBI pt6

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A/n: Yall wanted a happy ending soooo here ya go. I wrote this ages ago btw just didnt wanna release it yet. But here ya go now.

Summary: pt6

Wc: 2210

Warnings: gun
I tiredly walk into my empty, silent house. Ever since Hailee got locked up the house has been uncomfortably silent. I've been burying myself in extra work to try and distract myself from the stuff that happened in the past 2 months.

Hailee got life in prison as well as her accomplices. The money laundering business was taken down quickly. The SWAT team raided the rest of the gang members and many arrests were made.

Emily kindly offered me time off of work however I didn't take it. Work is the only thing keeping distracted besides alcohol of course. When I'm not working I drink my sorrows away. It works for a little bit but at the end of the day the pain comes back and I'm stuck in an endless cycle.

Before I know it I'm in the kitchen, the crimson red wine spilling from the bottle down to my glass. My fingers impatiently tap on the counter as the wine spills.

Once my glass is full I close the empty bottle and discard it in the trash. I take the glass and start walking towards my bedroom.

As I walk I notice a pair of dirty footsteps down the hallway. Immediately I place the glass down on a small accent table and my hand reaches back for my gun.

I hold the gun tightly in front of me as I follow the footsteps. My heart thumps against my chest as I see the footsteps stop at my bedroom door.

One of my hands stays on the gun as my other one reaches for the door. I fling the door open, my gaze catching a figure looking out of my window. The figure is facing the window, wearing all black, but on my bed a orange prison uniform is discarded.

There is only one person that would be here with that uniform.

"Hailee?" I ask, my voice shaky. My hands are still on the gun tightly as I aim it at her.

The figure turns around and sure enough a pair of unforgettable hazel eyes lock with mine.

I stand frozen for a moment, unsure of what to do and say. The tension in the room builds as our eyes are still locked.

Both of our gazes go to my pocket as my phone rings.

"Pick it up." Hailee says

My gaze and gun follow her as she takes a seat on the bed next to the discarded uniform.

"Go on Y/n/n. Pick. It. Up." She pauses between each word adding emphasise to her point. I flinch at the nickname. Only she ever called me that.

Keeping my gun and eyes on her I reach in my pocket, pulling out my phone. Without looking at the contact name I pick up the phone bringing it up to my ear.


"Y/n! Thank God-did you get home safe?" Emily's voice fills my ear as I hear her sigh in relief.

"Mhm I did. Why?" I ask keeping the intense eye contact with Hailee.

"Just got the news that Hailee managed to escape prison-"

"What?" I ask, acting as if she's not in front of me.

"I know, I know. Just wanted to give you a heads up."

"Okay thank you."

"Yeah, of course and Y/n call me if you hear anything from Hailee."

"Yeah I will don't worry." I say. "Bye Emily."

"Bye Y/n."

I hang up the phone and, sliping it back in my pocket.

Hailee Steinfeld oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora