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Summary: Hailee and Y/n have been a couple for two years. They are currently visiting Y/ns home town. At the end of their trip Hailee does something unexpected.

Wc: 1139

Warnings: none


Me and Hailee are currently getting ready to go to a family reunion. Since I was slumped with work and almost all of my family members have been out of country we didn't spend much time together. So my grandma took it upon herself and organised a family reunion. All my cousins, aunties, uncles everyone.

I threw on black jeans with a white cropped top along with some white sneakers. Hailee decided to wear a black oversized t-shirt and some blue jeans. So simple but so hot.

"Haiz c'mon we need to leave!" I picked up my car keys as I patiently waited next to the doors of our hotel room.

"I'm coming!" She said rushing to me. I stared at her. God she's hot.

"Y/n stop eye fucking we need to go." She laughed walking past me.

"Yeah let's go." I snapped out of my thoughts

*Time skip*

After so many exchanged hugs and so many introductions since it was Hailee's first time meeting my wider family. We were standing talking to one of my cousins. Hailee's hand was wrapped around my waist. Due to her being a little bit taller than me I rested my head on her shoulder.

"So how did you two meet?" Daniel said as he signaled between me and Hailee.

"So-" I started to speak but on of my smaller cousins came over. He previously met Hailee and absolutely adores her.

"Hailee can you come play? Pwease." He puppy eyed her. Hailee glanced at me. I gave her a smile. She turned her attention back to my cousin and said:"Of course I can. Come on let's go." She put her hand out and he happily took it. They went away. It was only me and Daniel now.

We started talking again. About everything he was one of my best friend. I tried focusing on him but my eyes kept dancing of to Haille playing with my little cousins. She was so gentle with them and played along with whatever they said. I couldn't help but smile. Watching her play with them made my heart fulfilled and happy.

"Y/n are you listening to me?" Daniel snapped me out of my trance

"Uh, no sorry. I just-"

"Was staring at Hailee." He finished my sentence and chuckled

"Yeah I guess." I smiled. "I mean look at her. She is so gentle with kids and it makes me so happy. I don't know why." I looked at her once more and then turned my attention back to Daniel.

"I know why." He said


"You are hopelessly in love with her." He responded with a smile

"Yeah, yeah I am." I blushed.

*Time skip*

After lunch everyone was slumped. We definitely ate too much. I was laying on top of Hailee on my grandmas couch. My mom, dad, sister and her kid were all in the room talking. Me and Hailee would sometimes join in the conversation but we mostly just cuddled.

"Haiz?" I said as I lifted myself hoovering over her face

"Yes my love?" She responded

"I love you." I said kissing her lips

"I love you too." She said as our lips parted. We looked at each others eyes. Her hazel ones looking deeply into mine y/e/c. I couldn't help but smile.

"Get a room!" My dad yelled.

"We weren't even doing anything dad." I rolled my eyes at him

"We will be tonight." Hailee whispered in my ear. I punched slightly puched her arm.

"Ow! what was that for?" She asked holding her arm

"You know for what it was." I told her smiling

"Guys I would appreciate it if you didn't promote violence in front of my kid." My sister joked

"Oh shut up." I told her.

"Fuck you Y/n." She responded covering her kids ears

"Sorry I'm already doing that." Hailee said with a smirk on her face. My parents burst into laughter along with my sister while I covered my hands in embarrassment.

"Hailee! You can't say that!" I said laughing

"Just the truth." She laughed

*Time skip*

It's our last day here and I'm a bit sad. I missed my family, my friends, my hometown.

There was only one more place I wanted Hailee to see. It was a waterfall near the village I grew up in. It was truly magical and so wonderful. I told Hailee about it millions of times but she's never seen it before. I mean she's seen the pictures but not in real life.

Since there was a restaurant next to the water fall my parents and my sister were gonna meet us there for lunch.

Hailee has been acting weird ever since we got here. She is always talking to one of my parents, having secret phone calls. What the hell is she hiding?

Once we arrived there we had lunch and then rested by the river that was made from the waterfall.

I stood up and admired the waterfall as I always do. A pair of familiar hands wrapped around my waist.

"Hey." Hailee whispered in my ear

"Hey." I said tilting my head back to rest on her shoulder

"This really is beautiful." She whispered again looking at the waterfall

"Yeah it is."

"We should take some pictures." Hailee said removing her hands from me

"Yeah that's a good idea." I turned to face her.

My sister took some wonderful photos if us.

"Okay Y/n could you look at the waterfall and Hailee can hug you from behind." My sister instructed. I nodded my head and turned around expecting a pair oh hands around my waist but nothing.

"Hailee?" I said confused

"Yes my love?" She answered

"You're supposed to hug me." I said still facing the waterfall

"I am?" She laughed and questioned

"Yeah you dummy." I turned around and saw the most beautiful and shocking thing ever. It was my girlfriend on one knee with a ring in her hand. My parents and sister behind her smiling and videoing the whole thing. Tears started to form in my eyes as I walked closer to Hailee.

"Y/n you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you so so much. And I always will. Will you marry me Y/n?" Hailee said holding one of my hands

"Yes! Yes! I'll marry you." I excitedly said. Hailee slipped the ring on my finger and got up to pull me into a passionate kiss. My family clapped and cheered.

"I love you Hailee."

"I love you to Y/n."

I can't believe I'm getting married.

A/n: If you guys have any suggestions please comment. It doesn't have to be about Hailee. I just wrote these two about her because they crossed my mind. Thank you for reading.

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