I hate you pt5*

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A/n: this is the last part of the I hate you series. Anyway enjoy!

Summary: after Y/n broke up with Hailee things start to get better leaving Y/n confused.

Wc: 1374

Warnings: smut, arguing
It's been almost a month since Hailee and I broke up. I've kind of gotten over it.. Lies. I can't seem to get her out of my head and I see her everywhere. Literally everywhere. Suddenly I notice her presence in all of my classes. I notice her walking down the corridors, in caffees, in shopping malls.

The bullying has kind of stopped. When I say kind of I mean she hasn't beaten me up in 2 weeks. She only took my money three times in the past month and she doesn't insult me as much. Why did she stop now? Like why after we broke up? If she stopped it earlier maybe we would still be dating. Who am I kidding I was just another one of her flings that only lasted two weeks.

It's wednesday, not a big fan of wednesdays to be honest. What can I say? My schedule is boring as fuck on wednesdays and it's the middle of the week.

I slam my locker shut and walk down the corridor. Then I see something that makes my stomach turn. It's Hailee making out with another girl against her locker. Looks like she's moved on. I can't help the feeling of jealousy mixed with anger that creeps inside of me.

Hailee pulls away from the girl and starts walking towards me. I act like I don't see her and try to walk past. Hailes steps in front of me blocking my path. My eyes meet hers.

"Y/l/n we need to talk" she sternly says

"Sorry Steinfeld not today" I try to walk past but she grabs my arm

"I said we need to talk" Hailee whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. "Janitors room. Now." She releases the grip from my arm and walks away. Well fuck.

I open the door to the janitors room and see Hailee is leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Fuck she looks hot. No Y/n stop it.

"What do you want Hailee?" I ask closing the door

"Y/n.... I fucked up" Hailee says pushing herself off the wall

"What do you mean?" I know exactly what she means I just want to hear her say it.

"Us... I fucked us up. I know you love me, and I know you don't believe it but I love you. At least I think that's what love is" Hailee softly says keeping her distance from me.

At least I think that's what love is. What does she mean by that?

"Hailee you hurt me. Before we dated, while we dated, after we dated. If you love me why do you hurt me?" I gently reply not wanting to yell

"I don't know Y/n. I hate myself for what I did to you. Every time I see you hurt knowing it was from me... I just want to dissappear. I thought I could change and give you the love you deserve, because you Y/n deserve someone who will give you the world, not someone who will make you hate the world. After you broke up with me I felt empty. I felt so horrible, because I knew I broke you. The person that loves you shouldn't break you, but i did, and I will never forgive myself for it." Hailees hazel eyes were flooded with tears, threatening to escape any second.

I don't know how to feel. My head is racing with thoughts. I feel angry, sad, but most of all I feel love. That look in her eyes. It's not hate. It's love. Hailee loves me? Is this another one of her games?

"Hailee...I-I don't know what to say." I mumble. Hailee steps closer to me leaving inches between us.

"Then don't say anything. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything I did. I know I already said that once, but i actually mean it. I'll never hurt you again. I'll stop everything, and I'm not asking for anything in return. I don't want to hurt you anymore Y/n." Hailee says while a couple of tears slip down her cheeks

Is she genuinely sorry? Does she mean all of this?

"Hailee do you really mean all of that?" I ask letting a tear slip down my cheek

"Yes. I mean every single word I just said. Especially that I love you." Hailee smiled before lifting her hand. As she lifted her hand I flinched and closed my eyes expecting a slap. Instead her soft hand wipes my tears away. "I won't hurt you" Hailee gently said. I opened my eyes and leaned in her touch. I placed my hand over hers that was resting on my cheek. Before I knew it her soft lips were on mine. Fuck I missed this.

Hailee moved her hands on my waist while mine were around her neck pulling her as close as possible. My back was pushed against the nearest wall making me release a soft gasp. Hailee trailed her kisses along my jaw to my neck. Her lips quickly found my pulse point and she sucked on it. Definitely leaving a mark. My hands tangled in her hair releasing a soft moan.

"Hailee... n-not here" I moaned. Hailee just smirked and trailed her cold hands under my hoodie, tracing it over my stomach, I moaned at the contact

"You just have to be quiet princess. Can you do that for me?" Her lustful eyes looked into mine. I nodded my head.

"Words love" Hailee whispered

"Ye-yes" I stuttered eager for her to touch me

"Good girl" Hailee smirked before kissing my neck again. Her hand was playing with the zipper of my jeans "Can I?" Hailee mumbled against my neck

"Pl-please" I moaned still feeling her lips on my neck

"Please what?" Hailee teased

"Fuck me please"

"As you wish" Hailee said before unzipping my jeans. Her hand slipped in my panties. She ran her finger up and down my wet folds. I bit my bottom lip suppressing a moan. "You're so wet" she whispered in my ear, before rubbing my clit at a slow pace. I grinded my hips against her hand in hope for more contact.

"Stop moving" Hailee pushed my hips down with her free hand. Without any warning she slipped two fingers into me. I released a loud moan which was quickly silenced with Hailees lips on mine. Her fingers were going in and out of me at a very fast pace. Her thumb rubbed my clit giving me as much simulation as possible.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head form all the pleasure I was feeling. The kiss between Hailee and me broke when I threw my head back in pleasure. Hailees teeth tugged at my bottom lip gently. My walls started clenching around her fingers and I knew I was close.

"Fuck.. Hailee I'm gonna cum!" I moan out. Hailee thrusts in me at a faster pace than before.

"Cum for me Y/n" Hailee rasped in my ear. Tipping me over the edge.

"Fuck! Hailee don't stop! I'm cumming!" I screamed out, releasing all over Hailees fingers. My legs felt wobbly, but Hailee held me up. After I calmed down from my high she pulled out her fingers.

"Clean them" Hailee demanded. I wrapped my lips around her fingers cleaning off my juices from them. "Good fucking girl" Hailee smirked pulling her fingers out

"Fuck, that... was amazing" I say catching my breath

"You did amazing darling. I'm proud of you" Hailee kissed my forehead. "Let's go home. Shall we?" Hailee brushed my cheeks

"Yeah, I definitely can't go back to class" I laughed

"I love you Y/n" Hailee whispered

"I love you too Hailee" I kissed her lips

And just like that she had me under her spell again.
A/n: i wasn't planing on writing smut.... but that happened. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment and request! Love ya. Byeeee.

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