Movie night(requested)

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A/n: requested by sebstanisbae7. Hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the wait.

Summary: Y/n and Hailee are with Hailees family for a dinner and a movie marathon

Wc: 1231

Warnings: none
Hailee and I are on our way to her parent's house for a dinner. Ever since I met her family they insist we have dinner every Sunday. Hailee tried to talk them out of it, but they wouldn't hear it.

The drive is about 30 minutes and Hailee insisted on driving. Her left hand is on the steering wheel while her right one is resting on my thigh with mine on top of it.

I started overthinking the whole dinner like I do. I don't really know why since her family loves me and this is not our first dinner.

"Y/n?" Hailee whispered

"Yes my love?" I smiled looking in her direction

"Stop overthinking it darling. They love you" Hailee smiled glancing over at me

"How did you know I was overthinking it?" I smile at her "can you read minds or something?" I laugh and Hailee giggles

"Your leg" Hailee shortly says pointing to my leg thats bouncing up and down

"Oh" I still my movements and smile

"I love you. You know that?" Hailee mentioned as her eyes observed mine

"I know" I smiled placing a soft kiss on her lips "i love you too"

(Time skip cus y not)

Hailee and I exit the car. I interview our hands and we walk to the front door. Hailee knocks on the door and when it opens her parents are standing in front of us

"Hello girls, how are you?" Hailees mom greets us with a hug leading us into the house

"We're amazing mom. How are you?" Hailee smiles taking of her coat

"Well now that I see you guys I'm amazing" She smiles and Hailees dad appears from around the corner

"Oh, Y/n, Hailee hi" He smiles pulling us in a hug

"Hi Mr Steinfeld" I greet him

One thing for you to know is that Hailees dad is very protective over Hailee he's more protective than Griffin, and that's hard to top. Hailees mom on the other hand is less protective, she still is but Hailees dad takes it on a whole another level. That's why he insists I call him Mr Steinfeld. I don't know why but I go along with it since I really love Hailee and I don't want him to hate me.

"Y/n!" Griffin exclaims when he sees me. He instantly pulls me in a long hug.

"Hi Griff" I smile when we pull away

Hailee and I met through Griffin. I dated one of the girls he raced with and then we became friends. When that girl and I broke up I met Hailee and we instantly fell for each other.

"Really Griff? You hugged my girlfriend first" Hailee places a hand on her chest acting like he hurt her feelings

"Yeah well I like her more than I like you" Griffin laughs as he pulls Hailee in a hug

"I hate you" she murmurs

"I love you too" Griffin smiles

"All right kids let's eat" Cheri says leading us in the dining room where a lot of food was displayed

Hailee and I take a seat next to each other, her parents are opposite of us and Griffin is at the end of the table.

"This looks so good" I compliment smiling towards Cheri

"Thank you darling" she smiles

After dinner we all relocate to the living room. Hailee is sitting down on the couch with my head in her lap while she plays with my hair. Griffin is on the other end of the couch scrolling on his phone and Hailees parents are opposite of us on another couch.

"What film are we watching?" Griffin questions setting his phone down

"I think we should watch Pitch Perfect" I suggest with a smirk on my face

"No, absolutely not" Hailee shakes her head in disaprovement

"I agree with Y/n. Let's watch all the Pitch Perfect movies" Cheri smiles taking the remote

"I agree aswell" Mr Steinfeld adds

"I hate you all" Hailee laughs

"We love you too" Griffin sarcastically says

We're into the second movie and I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Sleep love I know you're tired" Hailee leans down and whispers in my ear

"I love you" I whisper to her before closing my eyes

"I love you too" she whispers as I slowly fall asleep

Hailees pov

Y/n fell asleep a couple of minutes ago. The second movie came to an end and my mom is searching for the third one.

While my mom is searching for the movie I placed Y/n gently down on the couch and got up to help my dad with some snacks in the kitchen.

"Dad?" I say as we enter the kitchen

"Yes sweetheart?" He smiles as I lean against the counter

"How did you know you wanted to marry mom?" I ask as my fathers eyes widen. He puts down snacks from his hands and comes closer to me.

"That's a hard question" he starts "well I guess I loved her so much that I saw my future with her and I wanted to make her mine forever" He finishes and smiles towards me "why?" He questions

"I-i think she's the one dad" I answer as a wide smile grows on my face

"You think so?" He smiles towards me

"Yeah I really do" I nod my head

"Well darling there is nothing stopping you from making her yours forever" He smiles placing his hand on top of mine

"H-how do I do it?" I mumbled my gaze flying to the white kitchen counter tops

"Well, it's different for every couple, maybe find a place meaningful for both of you, or do it somewhere you know she will love; and for the ring, ask some of her friends to try on rings with her and just get that size. But remember it doesn't have to be the most expensive one, it just has to be meaningful" He explained and my eyes shot back at his

"You can do it Hailee. Just take your time" He smiles pulling me in a hug

"I love you dad" I murmur in his chest

"I love you too. Now let's get back" He says as we pull away

We both pick up a bowl of chips and walk back into the living room. I see Y/n awake and sitting on the couch

"Since when are you awake?" I smile making my way towards her

"Since my pillow walked away" she sarcastically says

"You're such a baby" I mutter placing down the chips and sitting next to her

"Your baby" she smiles stealing a kiss

"I love you" I smile as we pull away

"Love you too" she mumbles pulling me in another kiss

"That's enough love birds. Focus on the movie" Griffin rolls his eyes

Y/n and I giggle and turn our attention to the TV.

I can't wait to make her mine forever.
A/n: hope yall liked that! I'm working on a request and lie pt2 so that will be coming out shortly! Thank you for the support! Don't forget to comment,vote and request! Love ya! Stay safe! Byeeeee!

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