Running pt2

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A/n: the long awaited pt2

Summary: idk pt2 ig

Wc: 3127

Warnings: arguing ig
Standing on the balcony of a small apartment in New York my mind wonders how I got here.

Cold air breezes through me as i stand there in nothing but a long button up that belongs to my ex.

My hands clutch the railing harder, as I shake my head, dissapointment lingering in the air around me.

Blinding lights, flash before my eyes as I let out a deep sigh feeling a pair of familiar hands wrap around my waist.

The taller woman rests her chin on my shoulders, tilting her head to whisper in my ear.

"Come back to bed" she murmurs, her voice sleepy and raspy. I hum in response, feeling her lips curve into a smile as she places a soft kiss at the shell of my ear.

"C'mon beautiful" She whispers, taking my hand and tugging me towards the warmth of her bedroom

Reluctantly I turn around following her lead through the door. We both step in the bedroom warmth surrounding both of our bodies.

The older woman pulls me closer. My breath hitches as her eyes hold intimidating eyes contact. Her lips tug into a smirk, while her right hand reaches behind me closing the door and pushing me against it in the process.

Small gasp escapes my lips as she flushes her body against mine.

"Round two princess?" She whispers, trailing her hands up and down my inner thighs.

I bite my lips, suppressing a soft moan that wants to escape my lips. She smirks down at me, her once hazel eyes are now black pools of lust.

"Is that a yes darling?" She husks attaching her lips to my neck, her hands inching closer to my heat

"Fuck, please" I plead. She pulls back a satisfied smirk on her face.
The morning sun bursts through the ice white curtains, shining right into my eyes. Groaning, I turn around my eyes fluttering open.

My eyes take in the figure laying next to me. Her body fully covered by the white covers, spread over both of us.

Her hair messily spread over the pillow, one of her hands under her head. She peacefully sleeps, the sun surely not bothering her.

A smile tugs on my lips, but my thoughts are filled with dissapointment and anger.

Taking a deep sigh I pull the covers off of me and get up of the bed. I bend down picking up my shirt and slipping it on with ease. I do the same with the rest of my clothing.

As i reach the doorknob of the bedroom I flash one last glance at the sleeping beauty in the bed.

Everything in me is telling me to leave, but there is still a small part of me that wants to wake her up with breakfast and a good morning kiss.

I look down at my hands as I debate what to do. Sighing I turn the doorknob exiting the bedroom careful not to wake her.

As I reach the kitchen my eyes scan over it trying to find my phone. The black phone perfectly contradicts the white counter tops making it easy to detect it.

I take it leaving the apartment in burry before I change my mind.

The cool air of New York greets me as I step outside. My ears filling up with chatter of busy people on the streets.

I flicker my glance down to the watch on my hand which reads 10:20. Sighing I realise I'm ten minutes late to meet my best friend at a caffee down the street.

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