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A/n: I'm working on a request so enjoy this draft!

Summary: Y/n sees someone from her past which leads to some unwanted memories.

Wc: 1100

Warnings: mentions of bullying

Hailee and I are currently on our way to meet some of my childhood friends who I haven't seen in like forever. We're meeting at a park we always used to hang out at. They've been dying to meet Hailee so I'm dragging her with me.

"Babe c'mon!" Hailee yells from downstairs

"I'm coming! Just a second" I yell as I grab my phone and slide it into my pocket. I make my way downstairs to see a very impatient Hailee. She's standing next to the door checking her watch every second.

"Finally. Let's go." Hailee says as she sees me

"Haiz relax they're my friends they are used to me being late" I laugh as I walk through the front door

"Whatever you know I hate being late" Hailee opens the car door and I slide in. She slides into the drivers side.

(Time skip. Cus why not)
Hailee and I greeted my friends and we are all sat down on a park table just talking and catching up. Hailee is next to me with her arm wrapped around my shoulder as I rest my head on her chest.

"Anyway Y/n, Hailee how did you meet?" My friend David says as he points to me and Hailee

"Well.... that is a long story" I laugh

"Well we have all day" Sara chimes in

"Fine" I say "we met through Florence, and then we..." I look towards Hailee as she smirks

"We slept together" Hailee finishes my sentence

"The first night?!" David shockingly says

"Yep" I say as my cheeks heat up. "We were pretty drunk all right" I laugh

"Yeah sure...." Sara trails off

"Wait so Hailee doesn't know that yo-" Davis starts but I cut him off

"That's enough David" I give him a 'don't you dare' look

"What? Tell me" Hailee curiously says

"David I swear if-"

"You were her celebrity crush for like the longest time ever. As she said you were her gay awakening" David cuts me off and him and Sara laugh. Hailee starts giggling and I bury my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"I hate you" I murmur to David

"Gay awakening? Really y/n?" Hailee laughs

"Yeah what, as you know I'm pretty gay." I laugh

"Oh my God we have to tell you abo-"

"I'm gonna go get some drinks" I cut Sara off knowing exactly what she's going to say. "Anyone want anything?"

"No thanks" says David

"I'm good" Sara waves off

"Water please" Hailee whispers. I nod before giving Hailee a quick kiss and walking away. There is a store near where we were sitting so i made my way there. I enter the store and get two waters. As I walk outside I bumb into someone. They drop their papers on the floor with my waters next to the papers.

"Sorry" I mumble as I crouch down to pick up the papers. I can now see that it's a woman

"It's okay" she crouches down and helps me with the papers. We get back up and as she looks in my eyes I feel like I've seen her before.

"Y/n?" Shs says almost shocked. My heart drops as I relaise who is standing in fornt of me

"A-Ana?" I stutter.

Ana Smith. The one fucking person I never wanted to see again. Why? Well she made high school a living hell for me. We used to be best friends freshman year but that quickly changed when I found out she was talking shit behind my back. After I confronted her I was left with no friends and she started bullying me. Which led to me having some serious mental health issues.

"Yeah hi Y/n. It's been so long" she goes in for a hand shake but I pull my hands back. "I'm sorry for what I did in high school. You know how teenagers are" she laughs but I'm not laughing at all

"Cool, I don't forgive you" I try to walk away but she grabs my hand

"Hey hands off my girlfriend" I hear Hailees voice from behind us. Thank god she's here. Ana let's go of my hand and Hailee wraps her right hand around my waist pulling me closer to her side. "Everything okay here?" She whispers in my ear

"Yeah" I whisper back

"Listen Y/n I apologised. You have to forgive me" Ana says shoting daggers at me. The same look she had in high school before she was going to beat me up.

"No she doesn't" Hailee scoffs

"That's how apologies work" Ana laughs

"No, now I don't know who the fuck you think you are. But I would advise you to get the fuck out of here" Hailee leans slightly closer to Ana. Ana rolls her eyes before walking past me and Hailee into the store.

"Hey you okay?" Hailee asks as She cups my cheeks so I meet her gaze

"Yeah, yeah I think so" I hold back some of the tears that formed in my eyes due to memories that came flying back because of Ana.

"Who was that?" Hailee rubs light circles on my cheek with her thumb

"A-Ana" I stutter as a tear slips down my cheek which Hailee brushes away

"Wait Ana like Ana Smith?" Hailee whispers in confusion

I've previously told Hailee about Ana and all the things she put me through in high school. Which massively helped because Hailee got me an amazing therapist and she helped me to process all of it properly.

I nod and Hailee pulls me in her embrace. I snuggle my face in her neck immediately inhaling her sent which make me feel safe. I wrap my arms around her as couple tears escape my eyes.

"It's okay darling. I got you" Hailee whispers as her hand rubs circles on my back. "What do you say we go home and watch your favourite movie?" Hailee smiles as we pull away.

"But what about Sara and David" I wipe my tears away

"Don't worry they will understand" Hailee reassures me

"Okay" I whisper

"Let's go" Hailee interviewed our hands together

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you too" Hailee pecked my lips before we walked back to Sara and David
A/n: that one was kinda personal ngl. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote, comment and request. Love ya! Byeeee.

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