Chapter: 36 I died! everyone died!

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Then suddenly the scene changed again. This time he didn't expected the scene he saw.

The earth is swallowed by darkness..

Their Celestial hunter's guild and academy that is the most powerful in the world turned into rubbles.. lots of mixed corpses of monsters, humans and some beings that looks like devil and angels can be seen everywhere.

He also saw the corpses of Brad and Zian among the corpses near the celestial hunters guild.

Lots of big gates everywhere and monsters, angels and devils are running rampant.. he can't see his self and the others on the scene, so there is a big possibility that they are not on earth this time.

"Why the angels are siding with enemies?" he was shocked while watching the scenes.

Its also the same sceneries in other countries.. lots of invaders and human corpses.. monsters are everywhere..

Then he saw some humans that still alive, but instead of helping the humanity to fight the invaders, they are helping the invaders to destroy everything.

"This f*cking finis mundi cult! traitor of humanity!" he angrily said.

He wants to help but he can't do anything coz this is only a projection of the future.

The scene changed again, this time its the scene from other realms.

Its also the same scene...but much worst.

Instead of uniting and fighting the invaders, they are fighting each other.

"What the hell is happening here!"

Chaos everywhere.. Their celestial guild here is also destroyed.

"Where the hell am i? why i can't see my self helping them?"

The scene changed again.. this time he saw much more powerful realm, but unlike the other lower realms.. this high level realm don't have any gates or monster invaders..

"What the f*ck! why is this realm safe? is it because this realm is powerful?"

Suddenly he heard something.. it's the first time he can hear something.. this is his second time using the fortune teller's card but it's only this time he can hear some sounds.

He followed the voices and saw two people talking.

"From the way they look.. they looks like gods." he murmured to himself.

"The lower level realms are all in chaos.. i heard some are already destroyed."

"Its their fault for being weak and useless! so their realm will be refine. luckily we are in higher level realm so almighty @%*& spared us."

"Yah you are right.. they can't blame us for turning our backs to them.. we helped them already but they are still useless! if we sided with them our realm is not here anymore.."

"If we didn't do that we gonna experience the same fate! so what if we are traitors! at least we are still alive! who gonna expect that there is a powerful entity in the void realm hibernating all this time and suddenly woke up from its slumber and started to refine every realm!"

"That's what i told also to those i sponsored in the lower level realm, specially to those on earth! they are hard to convinced to turn their backs on their comrades, but what can they do? they are all tied to us thru contracts hahaha..."

"I can't believed that Devildom realm and God's realm will combine to destroy humanity!.."

"If we didn't make a deal with Ustra of Devildom realm.. We gonna suffer also like those lower level realms. I don't know how he became the loyal dog of almighty @%*& "

Kyle wants to punch them.. but he control himself.. coz even he punch these traitors nothing will happen...its only a projection.

He is not a good person or feeling hero.. so helping others that he didn't know is not his priority, but being a traitor is a big NO to him! he hates traitors the most.

Then suddenly the scene changed again.. this time its the scene in celestial draconic realm.

He saw lots of dead bodies of humans, beast and skeleton army everywhere...most of the dead bodies are the people he knows.. Enzo and the others are all dead...he also saw the dead bodies of Sniper and the man beside him that looks like Noir.

"No....why is this happening? i thought we are powerful already?"

Then he saw the dead body of Kyro laying not far from the corpses of Sniper and Noir.

"This is not real!! no... it can be!!" he said while shouting helplessly.

Then he noticed someone fighting far away...he look up in the sky and saw himself fighting a very scary and dangerous entity.. you can only see two big eyes in the sky but its already enough to annihilate them.

Even its only a projection.. he can still feel how powerful and scary this entity.. that makes him trembled and scared.. he never felt this scary feeling before that almost makes him peed his pants.

Then he saw himself that is already weak and can't fight anymore that easily been smash to the ground he rushed towards himself and saw how pitiful and hopeless he looks.

He looks already dying.. then suddenly he saw himself using the wishing coin and started to wish.

"I wish that you bring me back to the time that i'm still checking my rewards inside the mansion! please send me to that time before i use the fortune teller's card."

(Coughing blood)

"If you see this my other self in the past! please become stronger much more stronger than this monster!(coughing blood) or else nothing will change!"

Then his future self died.. he didn't know what to do he is already panicking and scared.. when he look back at the sky he saw the big eyes looking at him.

"Holly sh*t!"

Then the scene ends and he returned back to reality.

"What the f*uck! what did i saw?! i died.. everyone died! so this is my second life now.."

He took out the wishing coin from his subspace and stared on it.

Then suddenly it glowed and disappeared.