Rosalie smiled as she watched how angry Serafina had gotten with that one comment from her brother. She patted Serafina's hips to have her get up, and then she held her hand as the two made their way to the front, "my baby is right. She gets shotgun! Sorry, not sorry."

"That's not fair! She always gets shotgun!" Emmett complained.

"You always get shotgun in the Volvo," Jasper commented.

"That's because no one else is willing to sit in front with Ed! Plus, there's more room when I sit in front anyways," Emmett explained.

The others shrugged, "Plenty of room with just us." Alice said happily as she approached the car, jumped in the backseat, and sat comfortably in the middle seat.

The group sped off to school in the flashy, bright red convertible. It was a heavily overcast day, but it wasn't raining like usual, so it was the perfect day to go with the top down. They would have to close it up, though, when in class since it wouldn't be long before it began to drizzle. But it was enough for the two women to fill their daily envy quota. All students turned to the Cullens when they drove into the parking lot. Both women relished in the attention. It was as if the two needed it just as much as blood. Serafina made her way around to kiss Rosalie with an audience to remind them that she was taken. Rosalie knew and approved. When they separated, they could hear Edward's car approach. Rosalie immediately became incensed and headed inside after putting her car top up.

Serafina kissed Rosalie on her cheek goodbye but lingered near the parking lot to observe her brother and his little human. She no longer stayed in school to ensure she didn't have to get rid of evidence or witnesses. Edward managed to control himself, it seemed. Now, she liked to hang around to see him flirt. It was strange to see and sometimes amusing. The fact he couldn't read her mind, Serafina found hilarious. That was his cheat to manipulate people easily, but he couldn't use it on the one he wanted to use it on.

She could hear the conversation from the car; Bella was impressed with Rosalie's car. Serafina raised her chin with pride at her love's things being praised. Edward explained they usually tried to blend in, and when Bella asked what had changed, he said he was now breaking all the rules. They then walked into the school together.

Serafina frowned at that answer. She knew Rosalie would be furious if she heard. The way he said it made her suspect the human knew what they were already. Rules were in place by the Volturi. Serafina wasn't afraid but didn't like her lover being worried. She wondered when Edward would change her if he were so infatuated with this human enough to tell her what they were. If he planned to keep her human longer, she shouldn't know anything. Serafina didn't care anymore if she was turned. According to Alice, it was a sure thing that she would be with them, but he was acting as though he wanted her human for as long as possible, which was ridiculous. Did her knowing mean he would turn her soon? Or was he screwing everyone over with his selfishness? Serafina furrowed her brows as she began to walk away from school. She didn't feel like it today.

Serafina had returned to school later to attend lunch and her classes with Rosa. School was over, and the two women ran into Emmett, who was in a good mood. He saw them and walked over to them, "Ed's being weird. But it's nice. He did something nice for someone today."

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