Charlie. Forgiving.

Start from the beginning

"I mean he's not ugly, I'm just saying..."


"Shut liked him and even went out with him."

"Right, because he's suuupeeeeeeer handsome" Charlie teased him, smiling and moving in for another kiss. Nick smiled and returned it, grabbing him by the face and deepening the kiss. "But no more than you. Of course Ben charmed you in the one kind moment of his existence, that's your weakness isn't it? Cute, kind men."

"That's why I'm with the biggest of them all." Nick held his face again affectionately and kissed him again.

"I have to go handsome. Don't worry, I'll tell you anything."

"See you later cutie."

"Kisses big guy." Charlie got out and before closing the car door added. "Oh Nick, look what you provoke, now I feel like you like Ben." He closed the door smiling, and laughing.

Even though it was a game, Nick had managed to plant doubt in him.

Did he have something to worry about?

His mind was too busy with Matias to doubt that. He wasn't entirely sure what they were going to talk about, or what their conclusion was going to be, because in reality Charlie's point of view hadn't changed... in fact it had only increased his certainty about Nick.

But he knew he had to give him peace, and various kinds of closure, plus he didn't want to lose his friendship.

Turning around a cluster of tables and trees, Charlie saw him at the back, at the spot where they had arranged to meet. They used to date there before, Matias would play guitar and Charlie would lose himself in his talent and in him. The memory of that made him shudder... those emotions were still alive, inside. But now they lived with Nick, as they always had in reality. Matias was lying on the blanket, using his backpack as a pillow, reading something. He was growing his hair out a bit, as was his beard, and his bushy curls were starting to come back. He always wore a lot of bracelets and necklaces, as well as his sleeveless graphic tees and black cargos. Showing off his tattoos.

Charlie couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, although sure he thought he looked scruffy because he wasn't shaved.

"Curly." He said smiling at him as Charlie put down his backpack and sat down next to him.

"I could say the same to you... Will the curls will make a triumphant return?"
"I've just been a little distracted lately. That's why I haven't shaved, but maybe... Why, do you like them?" He pushed him in a flirtatious manner.

"You know I do." Charlie eyed the grass, and noticed that Matias hadn't expected him to confess it to him.

There was a silence, in which Matias just stopped lying and crossed his legs beside him, tensing up.

"Even with the beard and all?"

"I like beards."

"I'll keep that in mind then." Matias smiled, massaging his chin a little. "Did Nick come to drop you off?"

"Yeah, he's coming for me in a few hours."

"You guys are really making it up for lost time right?" Charlie just rolled his eyes at him. "...I mean, no judgment or anything. Just pointing out the obvious... Are you happy?"

"I'd be happier if I knew you and I were okay."

"You always do that.." Mat reproached him fondly. "You always, I don't know, come back on "us questions" when I ask about him and you. I'm not made of glass, I can resist knowing how you are with him."

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