"I'm going to miss you so much" Carolina whines into my shoulder as I squeeze her gently in an engulfing hug.

"I'm going to miss you too" I hold her hands in mine as she pulls away and looks at me, "But I'm sure I'll see you again soon!"

"No doubt about that" Anne's voice causes both Carolina and I to look up, and I stand as Carolina runs over to give Niall a hug.

"Thank you" I say as Anne pulls me in tightly for a hug, "For everything".

"No, thank you for bringing a light into my Son's life. Whether he believes it or not, you are a blessing in disguise in every possible way for that man" She leans forward and kisses me on the cheek, causing me to smile.

"Still no Harry?" Anne shifts to Niall, and Niall shrugs, a guilty look on his face.

"No, sorry. No one has seen him".

I watch as Anne's face falls slightly, but it doesn't last long before she is slapping her hands together with a big sigh.

"Oh well! I guess we will have to make up next time I come visit" She smiles, giving me a wink. "This only gives me more reason to visit sooner than I anticipated".

I laugh and step back as one of Harry's men helps Anne up onto the horse he's on, and she climbs up with ease, immediately wrapping her arms around his waist once she's on.
I watch as another man lifts Carolina up in-front of another rider on another horse behind Anne's, and give her a warm smile as she sticks her bottom lip out in protest to leaving.

"You tell that son of mine that I will be back in a few short weeks time, so I would like to see a change in his attitude before I next arrive" Anne announces to Niall, and I can't help the little laugh that comes from my lips as Niall chuckles too.

"Will do ma'am" Niall jokingly bows towards Anne and she royally waves her hand in the air in response.

"Farewell all, try not to kill each other while I'm gone!" Anne announces one last time to everyone gathered around the clearing before she calls out, "Men, let's ride!"

I wave as the two horses with Anne and Carolina start to depart from the camp's perimeters.

"Bye Melody! Bye Niall!" Carolina's sweet little voice calls out over the sound of the horses' hooves trotting on the dirt until they are finally out of our view. I continue to wave until I can't see or hear them anymore, and then turn to Niall.

"They're so nice" I say to him, and he hums in agreement, nodding his head.

"I can't believe Harry didn't even say goodbye to his Mother and Sister".

"Can't you? He's a stubborn one that's for sure, and I know Anne is used to it by now. Don't worry, he wouldn't have gone far" Niall turns to walk back towards the tents, but when he doesn't hear the sound of my crutches following his heavy steps, he spins around.


"I think I'm going to look for Harry" I shuffle on my foot, biting my lip gently as I worry that he won't let me.
"I'm not going to escape, please trust me" I reassure him.

"Trust is a hard thing to come by around here" He walks back up to me and squints an eye at me, tilting his head in thought.

"I understand that" I agree, "but let me prove myself to you this one time! If I break your trust, and I don't hold to my word, then you are more than welcome to know that I am untrustworthy and hate me forever. If I don't return.... I give you permission to tell the rest of the gang what I told you this morning. Isn't that proof enough that I am telling the truth here? I am not going to escape".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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