Chapter 35 (Tenten)

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A week later
(Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minutes: Seconds)

Yuichi POV

So, even after a week of me returning ḧ̵̤̖̳́͆́õ̴͇̊͜m̸͉̩͖̊͛͠è̷̪̼͘ͅ, Menma wouldn't leave my side. But aside from that, life went back to normal..sorta. 

Team 7 is back to doing missions, we even did an A-rank Mission together and came back alive...barely. but we still had fun, Sasuke was still chasing after Sacchan, but Sacchan always refused his flirts

Ayumi-sensei and Kaka-sensei are definitely dating, seeing Ayumi-sensei getting flustered by Kaka-sensei's jokes and teasing is so funny. But they kept being annoying by placing a bet, between me and Menma. On whose going to make the other blush first. So far Menma won every time, while I'm still at zero. (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Me and Hinata are neutral, but she's still obsessed over Menma. And kept trying to put various blames on me for stuff that I didn't even do

In 2 weeks, Ten ten will be teleported here. That's when the plan will commence.

2 weeks or so later
(Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minutes: Seconds)

Somewhere else
Tenten POV

"*GASP*" Someone gasped, they looked around and found out they are in a weapon shop, more specifically Tenten's weapon shop. That person is Tenten herself. She ran out of the shop and looked around, She thought, 'Why am I back here? Weren't I just in the war? And Neji...he died.'

"Tenten, you okay?" A girl with dark blue hair and light blue hair in the middle of the hair, and a black cat on top of her head, asks Tenten. Who is she?
"Tenten?" She called out again. 
"Yeah yup I'm okay" I answered, nervously.
"Okay good, I need a new weapon, probably like a small knife, do you have one?" The girl (Yuichi) asks. "Eve, why do you even want a new weapon? You already had enough weapons from us." The black cat complain
"It's for practice kuro," she said to him.

At the shop
Yuichi POV

"WOAH THANK YOU TENTEN, THIS LOOK SO COOL" I stare at the knife in amazement (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) Wow!*✰
When I turned to her, I saw her looking confused "You must've been very confused huh?" I asked, despite knowing the answer

She looks up at me "*Laugh nervously* What do you mean?"
"Ten ten, what's my name?" I asked her
She looks really nervous "Well- uh that's uh-"
"Tenten you don't have to pretend, I know that you're confused, you were just on the battlefield just now right? Fighting Madara Uchiha, with Naruto and the others right?"
"How do you-" I cut her off
"I'll explain everything, first thing first is that I'm not an enemy, you could think of me as an ally. My name is Yuichi Hyakuya." I introduce myself
"Yuichi..Hyakuya? There's no one with that name as far as I know?" Tenten ask confused
"Of course, there isn't haha, I only exist in this world," (Y)
"HUH??" (T) ∑(ΦдΦlll

I grab her hand and drag her out of the shop "Come on, it's better if you see it for yourself"

She looked shocked when she saw the Hokage faces at the mountain cause it was different from what she remembered. "Wha- Why are there- That's not what I remember"

"That's cause you're in a different world," I said to her
"You're kidding...This must be a genjutsu right, none of this is real. I have to wake up" She said to herself, then she began to do the genjutsu release hand sign.
"It's not a genjutsu Tenten, this is real," I said,

Slowly falling for you (Menma Namikaze x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora