Chapter 4.5 (Information)

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(A/N) = Just a reminder, I don't own naruto (road to ninja) AND Servamp. Unlike in the anime, the servamp can still transform in daylight, but they still dislike sunlight. So they only transform when it's a life-and-death situation. Also, the rookie nine along with Neji's team and Guy sensei's personality and/or habits will be the opposite from the original one (Naruto anime) (doesn't include Kakashi, sorry), for example:

Menma's personality and/or habits: Calm, think before he acts, Hates fangirls (think their annoying), and hair change to black when he's full of negative emotions, like hatred and/or jealousy,

Hinata's personality and/or habits: Bold, in love with Menma, short-tempered, hates Forehead (Sakura), used to be best friend with Sakura (separate because of their love for Menma and always fights to see who gets the most attention from Menma), and always clinging to Menma

Sakura's personality and/or habits: Bold, in love with Menma, Always punch Sasuke whenever he flirts near her or with her, Hates Hina-Pig (Hinata), used to be best friends with Hinata (separate because of their love for Menma and always fight to see who gets the most attention from Menma), loves her not-related sister (Yuichi) and always clinging to Menma

Sasuke's personality and/or habits: Always flirts with other girls, still has fangirls (even loves them), never takes stuff seriously, too laid back. Already have the Sharingan, but rarely use them.

Kiba's personality and/or habits: still overconfident, doesn't get along with his dog (Akamaru), prefers cats to dogs (cat lover)

Akamaru's personality and/or habits: Always bites Kiba whenever he has the chance, Hate everyone, especially Kiba, except Yuichi, Ino, Ayumi

Shino's personality and/or habits: Hates bugs, is still a weirdo, and always carries a bug spray

Ino's personality and/or habits: Timid, shy, always fiddling with her fingers when nervous, and bestie with Yuichi

Choji's personality and/or habits: Dislikes Meat, prefers vegetables to meat, is The smartest in his team (team 10)

Shikamaru's personality and/or habits: Dumb, can barely count, but can still do shadow Imitation Technique

Neji's personality and/or habits: Pervert, use byakugan to spy on girls, and always get threatened by Hinata-sama (what he called her)

Tenten's personality and/or habits: is a weapon user, sometimes hits the target and sometimes misses them

Lee's personality and/or habits: Pervert but have little respect for girls and women, and into fashion trends. Always challenge Neji, to see who can spy on the most girls

Guy-sensei's personality and/or habits: Have little respect for girls and women, into fashion trends, still energetic about challenging Kakashi

Yuichi's personality and/or habits: Kind, Helpful, Loves to sing and play guitar, loves cooking, listening to music, loves making clothes and plushies, loves drawing, Hang out with friends (in Konoha), training (in Konoha), play with the servamp in their animal form (and/or maybe their human form) along with Akamaru.


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