Chapter 34 (Reunion)

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1 year and 6 months later
(Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minutes: Seconds)

(Yuichi POV)

After spending a year and 6 months in the Sound Village, it's time for me and Ayumi-sensei to go back to the Leaf Village. In that year we spent in the sound village, we planned how to ambush the leaf village. We are now at the entrance of the sound village getting ready to leave if it weren't for Noya clinging on me, begging not to go.

Noya: "YUIII, DON'T GOO. I DON'T WANNA BE LONELY" ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·
Yuichi: "Noya, I gotta go. I already delayed it for 6 FREAKING MONTHS,  and I am not looking forward to being questioned on why we get back later than promised"
Noya: "BUT YUII"
Yuichi: "No buts, we'll see each other after the plan"
Noya:" Promise?:
Yuichi:" I promise"

Ayumi-sensei: "Hate to break the moment we gotta go,"

After reassuring Noya, we went off our way to the sound village. On our way there, 

Ayumi-sensei: "You know, we're gonna have to make a believable story when they're gonna ask why we took more than a year to finish our training."
Yuichi: "Ugh, I know. Not to mention, Menma and Sacchan are going to ask me a ton of questions."
Ayumi-sensei: "But you gotta admit, you miss your boyfriend don't you?"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuichi: "Don't act as if you don't miss your boyfriend, Kaka-kun"
Ayumi-sensei: "NO I DON'T!!!" She yelled while her face turned red
Yuichi: "Whatever you say sensei"


We finally arrive at the gate of the leaf village. Izumo and Kotetsu saw us, their face looked like they saw a ghost.

Yuichi: "Hey guys, it's been a while."

Izumo and kotetsu: "Y-YUICHI AND AYUMI???"

Yuichi: "The one and only"

Izumo immediately starts ushering us to Grandpa's office. Meanwhile, Kotetsu guards the gate. On the way there, we passed Kiba and others, But Sacchan, Sasuke, and Menma weren't there. Their faces looked so pale when they saw us. 

When we got to the Hokage residence, Izumo kept ushering us to Granpa's office and then burst the door open. There's Grandpa and Kaka-sensei inside. 

When Grandpa saw us, his eyes turned wide "YUICHI??"

Yuichi: "Hi grandpa, hi kaka-sensei."

Long story short, Grandpa gave us a long lecture. and let us off to see everyone else. Kaka-sensei suddenly appears out of nowhere, looking a little mad. Ayumi-sensei tried to run away, but Kaka-sensei caught her and dragged her to who knows where. Now I'm on my way to the training ground, where I saw everyone except Menma.

Akamaru and Kiba hug (tackled) me down. Sacchan lectured me but then hugged me. Sasuke gave me a rose but then got hit by Sacchan. Ino cried while hugging me tight. Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino just greet me, some give me a pat on the back.

Sacchan told me that Menma stormed off after finding out that I was back. 


 I searched everywhere and couldn't find him, but there was one more place that I hadn't checked—the treehouse.
I ran to the treehouse and saw Menma in it. He was lying on the sofa.

Slowly falling for you (Menma Namikaze x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora