Chapter 19 (New little brother, Inari)

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Yuichi POV

Aaahhh, what a nice and peaceful morning. Waking up after sleeping in a fluffy futon with Kuro, my lazy cat (let's be honest, I don't know when he got beside, probably when I'm asleep) Freya, my beautiful wolf, and Tsubaki, my mischievous fox who's still sleeping. With no one talking or yelling. Just a peaceful and quiet morning.













Lol I wish

"WHERE WERE YOU THE WHOLE DAY YESTERDAY? WE WERE FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES AND YOU WERE OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE. IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR SERVAMPS, WE WOULD'VE DIED." Sakura-nee yells while shaking me back and forth. Kuro, Freya, Tsubaki, Sasuke, and Menma just watch us while eating their food. "S-s-sis can you stop?... You're making m-me sick" My head hurt from being shaking back and forth. Eventually, she stop. And we eat our breakfast. 

Then Tsunami-san comes in. "Oh Tsunami-san, where is Inari?" I ask with my mouth full. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Yuichi. And he's still sleeping in his room. Also, your teacher is awake. After eating, go visit your teacher." "Okay," We all say in chorus. 

After we're done eating we walk to where Kaka-sensei is staying. When we open the door, I noticed that his expression is more serious. Guess he knows about what really happened to Zabuza.

"Kaka-sensei, how are you?" I ask with a smile. He snaps out of his trance and looks around, confused, probably because he just notice us. "I'm fine. It'll probably be a week or so until I can walk properly" He answered. 

"Mou, sensei. Don't strain yourself anymore. Freya and Tsubaki can help too. Unlike a certain someone" Sakura-nee says while glancing at me. "I told you, I was helping people too, ya know," I say, irritated. A tick mark appears on my forehead. 

Suddenly a laugh erupts in the room. "Man you guys are crazy back there. Also, Yuichi, Where are your pets?" Tazuna-san asks while sitting beside me. "Oh, they're still sleeping and they're servamps not pets," I answer. 

"Speaking of servamps, you still didn't tell us what they are," Sasuke said. 

"Oh right, almost forgot. Hehe. Anyway, servamps are short for servant vampires-" "VAMPIRES?? ARE THEY GONNA DRINK OUR BLOOD??" Sasuke shrieked. Then he got hit by Sakura-nee. "I'm just gonna ignore that. Ahem, moving on. The servamps can eat human food and drink human drinks. The Servamp is allowed only to drink their Eve's blood and after they do this, they can participate in a battle where the Eve controls their Servamps. After drinking Eve's blood, Eve and Servamps are bound by a chain connecting them. So any question?" I explain.

"...What does Eve mean?" Menma ask. "Eve basically means like the servamps' master."

After that was over, Kaka-sensei began talking about the battle, which I just zone out. (I'm just gonna skip it cause it's boring) While he was talking, I felt a weight on my head, knowing it was Kuro. I let him be.

Slowly falling for you (Menma Namikaze x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora