Chapter 17 (Enemies)

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This is what Menma look like before the road to ninja movie. Just pretend the hair is yellow/blonde. And the change the Uchiha symbol to the Namikaze symbol.

 And the change the Uchiha symbol to the Namikaze symbol

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Yuichi POV

We've been walking for an hour now and it looks like the others are about to fall, judging from how their legs are shaking, except me, Kaka-sensei and Tazuna-san. 

In the middle of the road, there's a puddle of water. 'That must be where the demon brothers are' I glance at Kaka-sensei. He understood the message and send me a closed eye smile, I think. It's kinda hard to know what is his expression with his mask on. (¬з¬)

Then Kaka-sensei points to his temple with his middle and pointer fingers and drags it down to beside his eyes. It's a sign that means I have to read their minds. Grandpa suggests it and I'm glad I agree. Only Ayumi sensei, Grandpa, and my other teachers know, though.

"The real me is hiding near the trees, be on guard. Just in case they attack"

"Yes sir"

I pull out my kunai and pretend to 'accidentally' drop my kunai in the puddle. Then I put some heavy aura around my foot and step into the puddle, hard. I hear a small grunt in the puddle, to which I just smirk. Tazuna-san and my team, with the exception of Kaka-sensei, all look at me in confusion but I just wave it off.

When all of us pass the puddle, the demon brothers jumped out of the puddle and then wrap their chains around the fake Kaka-sensei. 

"The first one" Then they pull the chains causing the fake Kaka-sensei to be torn apart to shreds. This made Tazuna-san and the team freeze, except me. I was ready, "Kuro, protect Tazuna-san " I ordered him. 

Kuro jumps in the air and transforms into his human form then lands behind Tazuna-san. The end of his jacket turns to spikes and his nail extend into long and sharp black claws, ready to defend.

They aim their chains in my direction, I throw my kunai at the chains. The chain got stuck in the tree. The demon brothers let go of their chains and split ways. One of them is about to attack Sasuke and the other is going to Tazuna-san. 'Crap, I can't protect both of them.' Luckily Menma and Sakura-nee got out of their shock. Sakura-nee jumped in front of Tazuna-san and Menma appears in front of Sakura-nee.

Sasuke is still in shock.

I summon my katana, then appear in between Sasuke and one of the demon brothers. He's getting closer ' C'mon, Kaka-sensei. Any minute now.' Just as he's about to attack, he suddenly disappears. 'Huh,' I look behind me along with Sasuke. There's Kaka-sensei holding The demon brothers by the neck in his arms. "Yo," He says. 'HE DIDN'T HELP US AND ALL HE SAYS IS 'YO' ?' I thought, angrily.

No one POV

'Kakashi-sensei alive' (Sakura) relieved

'Hmph, show off'(Menma) deadpanned

'Kakashi-sensei... then the other one... Kakashi-sensei used substitutions.'(Sasuke) shock

'I was saved, somehow' (Tazuna-san)

Back to Yuichi's POV

"Anyhow let me just say, Good job all of you. Luckily no one got hurt." Just after he said that. I start to feel pain in my arm. I kneel on the ground and grunt in pain. 'It hurt, It hurt, It hurt.' There's a huge scratch with a trail of blood on my arm.

"Yuichi, don't move. The enemy has poison on their claws." Kaka-sensei says, worriedly.

"Kuro..." I say weakly. Luckily he understood and walk up to me. The other seems suspicious of him but still lets him through. Kuro sit me up and lean my back to his chest. He gently grabs my arm that's in pain and sucks the poisoned blood. I knew all servamps are immune to poison since Kuro told me, so it didn't freak me out. Kaka-sensei and Tazuna-san already know about Kuro. But I couldn't say the same for my team. 


Menma and Sasuke just stand there in shock.

"Servamps are immune to poison," Kuro said. After he's done. I concentrate my healing aura on my other hand and hover it over the scratch. The wound is closing up.

"What the hell was that?" Menma says. I look at him and saw confusion and rage in his eyes.

"She'll explain later, right now I want to ask a few questions Tazuna-san," Kaka-sensei says.















Note = Hey guys. How are you?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It may take a while for me to publish the next chapters. Because I'm having writer block and I have to rewatch the anime again. Also, Homework from school is gonna be the death of me someday.

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinion about this chapter.







Also, I found this picture on Pinterest. 


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All pictures aren't mine. 

Credits to the real owner of the pictures

(Not proofread)

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