Chapter 6 (Sensei and training)

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Tomorrow morning

Yuichi POV

"WAKE UUUP" Someone yelled directly near my ear.

"I'm up, I'm up" My eyes are still closed. When I opened my eyes, I saw Sakura? 

"Sakura?" (Reminder: Yuichi gave Sakura a copy of her keys and vice versa)

"One and only. Now get up" Sakura demand

(Y) = Yuichi // (S) = Sakura

(Y) "What time is it?" 

(S)"It's 7:45" 

(Y)"It's too early"

(S) "Your cat said to you wake up, also how can your cat talk?"

I jumped out of my bed "How'd you--" She cut me off " Your cat went up to me when I enter your house and asked me who I am and what I'm doing here, mind explaining?" I looked around my room and saw Kuro on my desk, sleeping. "I'll explain later, I have to get ready to meet someone." She asked "Who?" "Idk, Kuro hasn't told" Suddenly, Kuro speaks "You're meeting your teacher at the library and you can bring your friend too." My sister stare at Kuro in shock.

"She's my not-related sister." 

After I got ready, I put Kuro on my shoulder, then me and Sakura walk to the library. When we arrive there. Kuro says quietly "Ask the librarian that you want to see Ayumi Fukuda" I went up to the librarian and asked, " umm... excuse me?" She turned to me with a smile and said, " Yes, how can I help you?" "I want to see Ayumi Fukuda" "She's in the staff room. The door is on my left. Good luck"

Sakura and I enter the staff room and see a white-haired woman, reading a book.

Sakura and I enter the staff room and see a white-haired woman, reading a book

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(Ignore the headband)

"Can I help you?" She asked

Kuro jumped off my shoulder and onto the woman's shoulder. "KURO, what are you doing??" I said in a panic. The woman turned her head to her shoulder " Sleepy ash ?" "Long time no see Ayumi"

Me and Sakura are just standing still in shock.

The woma-- I mean Ayumi-san turns around and sees me, but I think she didn't see Sakura because the next thing she said made my blood run cold.

"You must be Yuichi Hyakuya, from a different dimension. My name is Ayumi Fukuda, one of the four legendary Sanin, I'll be your teacher"

"Different d-d-dimension??" Sakura asked scared, then she turns to me "Yuichi, what's going on? What is she talking about?"

Ayumi-san whipped her head to Sakura, just realizing she's there. "Guess there's no choice, I'll explain everything" while sighing

After Ayumi-san explain everything about where I'm from and about the servamps, Sakura turns to me and said in shock "No way, Yuichi you're not from this dimension, How did you get here then? And the vampire won't drink my blood or anyone's right? " I say to her " I don't know, I wish knew, and don't worry, the servamps are only allowed to drink their eve's blood" "Eve?"  "In other words, Yuichi is their owner. Sakura, you're the only one who knows where Yuichi is from beside me, I want you to promise me not to tell your friends or other people about this. if people find out, Yuichi will be in grave danger." Ayumi-san said.

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