Chapter 30 (Final match)

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Yuichi POV

"Now please welcome the fighters, First fighter, Gaara of the sand."

Gaara walks out into the clearing in the middle of the stadium.

"The second fighter, Menma Namikaze of the Leaf"

Menma walks out of the other way

"The last fighter, Yuichi Hyakuya of the Leaf"

I took a deep breath and walked out. On my right, there stands Gaara. And on my left, there stands Menma, "It's okay, Yui. I'll protect you" Kuro said from my shoulder. I give him a subtle nod.

"The match will begin in 3"



"BEGIN" A moment after he said that, Gaara send a wave of sand to Menma. AND ME?

Menma manages to dodge it, but I was too late. The sand wrap around me, luckily Kuro manages to escape and turn invisible.

While Gaara's sand is busy attacking Menma, he controls the sand that's holding me to pull me closer to him. Once I'm close enough, "I don't want to fight you, Eve. Give up"

"*sigh* Gaara, I don't want to fight you either. But I don't want to give up."

Suddenly a kunai flew between Gaara and Me. "GET YOUR HANDS OF HER" Menma yelled, His eyes are red and there are three fox tails behind him. 

Wait, he already knew how to borrow Kurama's power? HOW?? ISN'T IT TOO EARLY??

I didn't even realize that Gaara's sand isn't around me anymore and is now fighting Menma.

'What now,  Yui?'
'We'll wait,'


It's been ten minutes, I think? I'm still sitting at the same spot. Kuro is sleeping on my shoulder. Gaara and Menma are getting tired minute by minute.  

'Kuro, You can attack, on my signal.'
'Okay, But I need your blood.'
'Seriously? You just drink my blood an hour ago.'
'I know and I want more.'

"*sigh* Fine" Kuro began to drink my blood from my neck. 

"Gaara is out," Hayate announced. I turn my gaze to where Gaara and Menma are. I see Gaara passed out near the wall and cracks behind him, on the wall. Then I see Menma hunched over but still standing. Then his eyes slid to where I am. I flinch when I see his eyes, Red with pure hatred and jealousy. "GET UP AND FIGHT ME, YUICHI HYAKUYA." He yells.

Suddenly, Explosions occurred around the stadium. "PEOPLE OF THE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE, WE ARE FROM THE HIDDEN SOUND VILLAGE AND WE'VE COME TO TAKE OVER THE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE." Someone's voice rang around the stadium. Hearing this, everyone goes into panic.

"Every Shinobi in the Leaf village, whether you're Jonin, Chunin, or Genin. As the Hokage, I order all of you to fight the hidden sound and protect the civilians." Grandpa's voice rang around the stadium.

Ugh, I knew there was something bad that was going to happen.

I saw a mother holding her child while being cornered by a Sound ninja. I was about to save her, but Menma block me, "Menma, move!"

"No, we're finishing this fight right now,"  
"Menma, we can finish this later. Right now, people are in danger." I turn to where the mother and the child are, luckily one of the jonin saves them in time.
"Do I look like I care?"
"You know what, I don't have time for this. Lily, knock him out." Just as I said that pink smoke swirl around Menma and eventually made him pass out. 

Slowly falling for you (Menma Namikaze x OC)Where stories live. Discover now