Chapter 24 ~ Unpleasant Memories

Start from the beginning

"Where... Where is he?" I asked, trying to stop the sobs.

"He's in the hospital as well." They answered.

"Can... Can I see him?" I said.

"I don't think you'd be allowed..." Nene mumbled.


"You've technically only been awake just now... They still need to do check ups on you and stuff until you get out of here." She explained plainly.

"We know you want to... But..." Emu muttered.

"Did he have a lot of injuries...?" I asked hesitantly, hoping for the answer I want.

"No." Emu said. Oh, thank God. "But he's unconscious, as we've told you..."

"About the truck... What did the driver say?" I asked, unsure why, as tears stopped.

"Ah, right... We haven't told you, have we?" Nene said.

I blinked. "About what-?"

"There was no driver, Rui." Nene answered.

"What-?" I spat, and looked at Emu.

Emu sighed. "I'm afraid it's true. When the police and the ambulance arrived, they didn't see anybody coming out."

"But what if they fainted in there? They have to say something at least!" I snapped, with both anger and sadness whirling inside me.

"Rui, they already checked. There's no one." Nene said.

"But that's not possible-!" I cried.

"Maybe it was driven by a robot or computer sort of thing. We'll never know."

I don't even know what I'm arguing for at this point. "Then there must've at least been a robot! Inside the car!"

"There wasn't." Emu shook her head.

"But it doesn't make sense-!" I yelled.

"And it never will. You'll have to accept it." Nene said sternly, but we all know that she was also upset.


My hand gripped onto the handle. I took a deep breath before opening the door to Tsukasa's hospital room. It's been a whole week since I was released from the hospital, but I haven't had the energy to go anywhere let alone having the courage to see Tsukasa in this state, knowing it's my fault.

Through this whole week, I've done nothing but stay in my own room. I'd eat once in a while... Maybe like a meal a day. My parents noticed, but could they do anything about it? No. They know what happened and my 'best friend' had just gone unconscious, and my trauma was still haunting me. Of course they tried to tell me to take care of myself and eat something while they go to work. But they know I wouldn't listen.

I opened the door, after moments of hesitation, and looked down onto the sheet vinyl floor. I still couldn't accept it. I took another deep breath and forced myself to look up.

"Tsukasa-kun..." I whispered.

He was laying on the bed, facing the ceiling, glasses off and eyes closed. He had a white blanket covering his body, and his arms laid above the blanket, with wires, tubes and different types of hospital equipment I can't name attached to him. His jaw was slightly dropped, just enough for him to breathe. I couldn't describe him as looking lifeless - he was most certainly alive, but... Just unresponsive.

Seeing him like this makes me want to cry even more than I did during the week. It's just us in here, alone, but I couldn't hear any of Tsukasa's laughs or the loud voice. It was just the beeps of the machines around him and my own breathing. I walked towards him slowly and took his hand into mine. His hands were... Cold. Nothing like the holding hands we did before.

I sighed. I don't really know what to say. "Please... Wake up."

I didn't know how long I sat there stuck in my thoughts, but I was almost certain there was one moment where Tsukasa squeezed my hand really softly, but just enough for me to feel it.

My eyes widened as I looked at him. But another sigh soon came out of my mouth, realizing Tsukasa wouldn't wake up soon. I know how much luck I have anyway.

"...Did you hear me?" I said quietly, my voice sounding hopeful.

Of course, as expected, there was no response. 

1032 words

Yeah he's not waking yet and that was his choice

Uhm btw guys I'm trying to tier but even in tw server it's pretty bad and I'm still at 2700s help me-

Plus i should probably start saving for portray yourself gacha...

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