Not Lost Anymore | PART 1

Start from the beginning

      The pain of that fateful day never left Hailee's heart. She put her acting career on hold, dedicating her life to searching for [Y/N]. Little did she know that [Y/N] had been taken by a shadowy organization, the Red Room, who erased her past and trained her to become a lethal assassin.

      The disappearance of [Y/N] had a profound impact on Hailee and her entire family. Hailee's once-bright world was overshadowed by a deep and relentless depression. The pain of losing her child weighed heavily on her heart, and it seemed as though the light had gone out in her life.

      Cheri, her mother, became Hailee's rock during this dark period. She offered unwavering support, helping her daughter through the most difficult moments. Cheri understood the depths of Hailee's despair and did everything in her power to provide solace.

      Pete, her father, also stood by Hailee's side. He was a source of strength, silently enduring his own anguish while being a pillar of support for his wife and daughter. The family was united in their sorrow, sharing the burden of [Y/N]'s disappearance.

      Griffin, Hailee's older brother, became a protective figure. He did his best to lift Hailee's spirits, even though his own heart ached. The family pulled together, their love and determination to find [Y/N] keeping them united through the darkest days.

      The Steinfeld family's collective devastation over [Y/N]'s disappearance was a silent, ever-present shadow that hung over their lives. It was a pain that never truly subsided, a wound that refused to heal. But they clung to the hope that one day, they would be reunited with the missing piece of their family, and that hope kept them going, even in their darkest moments.

      [Y/N] moved through the facility with precision, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. As she followed the leader's instructions, she spotted her target, a high-ranking government official, in a dimly lit corridor. He was engrossed in a conversation with an aide, unaware of the imminent danger.

      Her pulse quickened as she approached her mark, the weight of the mission pressing upon her shoulders. The leader's voice in her earpiece remained a constant reassurance, guiding her closer to the target.

"Wait for the opportune moment, [Y/N]," he advised, his tone as cool as ever. "You must ensure a clean and discreet elimination. The fate of this mission rests on your shoulders."

      With the patience of a predator, [Y/N] observed her target's movements, her training whispering in her ear, urging her to strike with deadly precision. Every ounce of her being was focused on the mission, on fulfilling the orders relayed through her earpiece.

      It was a tense and critical moment as she inched closer to her target, knowing that her actions in the next few seconds would irrevocably alter the course of the mission and her own life.

      The moment of opportunity arrived unexpectedly when, due to an unexpected power outage, the facility's lights flickered off. In the ensuing darkness, [Y/N] seized her chance. Her training kicked in, and with calculated precision, she closed the gap between herself and her target.

      In the pitch-black corridor, the leader's voice in her earpiece guided her with whispered urgency. "[Y/N], now is the time. You must act swiftly."

      Without hesitation, she drew a silenced weapon from her concealed holster. Her movements were swift and soundless as she approached her unsuspecting target. The power outage masked her presence, allowing her to close in, unseen and unheard.

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