19 Years Later

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Draco and I are bringing our children to Platform 9 & ¾. It's Scorpius' first year while Sirius and Lily are starting their fourth year.

We are supposed to meet with Harry and the others at the platform. It doesn't take me long to find Hermione and Ron. They wave us over when they spot us.

By now, Sirius and Lily have disappeared. They spotted their friends and went to greet them. Scorpius has been sticking close to Draco and me, looking around in wonder.

Hugo seems to be having the same reaction while Rose is looking around confidently. She resembles Hermione a bit too much sometimes.

"Hi." I greet them. "Isn't Harry here yet?"

"The Weasleys do like to get ready at the last minute. And Harry is the same too. So..." Hermione says nonchalantly.

"Hey!" Ron immediately protests while the rest of us laugh, including Rose and Hugo.

"It would be a wonder if Rose and Hugo could get ready in time if I wasn't here." Hermione continues as if Ron hasn't said anything. "And I am surprised it's still taking them so long especially since James has been going to Hogwarts for three years now." Hermione stops when she sees the look Draco and I are giving her. "What?"

"Just never change." Draco says smiling a little.

"Hi, Scorpius." Rose says finally being able to say something.

"H...Hi, Rose." Scorpius stutters out, his cheeks flushed. I look away from the two and smirk at Draco. Scorpius has always been like Draco. He has platinum blonde hair, grey eyes and pale skin. With the black suit, I sometimes mistake him as Draco. Scorpius is always happy whenever I tell him that he looks exactly how Draco looked like at his age though I didn't know Draco back then.

"Where are the other two?" Hermione asks a small smirk on her face too.

They ran off the moment they saw their friends." Draco answers. "And I still wonder why Fiona had to name him Sirius."

"Don't blame me if he is like Sirius." I retort immediately. "I didn't exactly think that he will take after his namesake. Though I should have known." I give Draco a suggestive look.

"Don't drag my bloodline into this." He retorts immediately. "How many times do we have to go over this?"

"Harry! Ginny! Over here!" Hermione calls them over relieved that she doesn't have to hear us any more.

"Your ass just got saved." I mutter to Draco before turning around with a big smile on my face.

Harry and I had last met when the children had come home for the summer. After that Harry and Ginny had gone to France with their children for the holidays.

As soon as they join us, Harry pulls me in a hug while Ginny goes to greet Ron and Hermione. James isn't with them and Albus is looking around nervously.

"Talk to Albus." I whisper to Harry as I pull away. He gives me a nod and turns to face his son.

"Mom." Scorpius tugs on my dress a little. I look down and he gestures for me to listen to him.

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