iv) Goblet Of Fire

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We are sitting in the train compartment waiting for the others to show up. "There is something I haven't told you before." Draco begins suddenly.

I look at him confused. "Father wanted to send me to Durmstrang. Mother didn't want me to be so far from home." He chuckles a little.

I have wondered sometimes as to what would have happened if Draco was at Durmstrang. And now he is telling me that there was a chance. Wow!

"I don't know what I would have decided to do if you were there." I say. "I may not have wanted to come from Durmstrang or might have been happy to get away from you." I smirk at the end.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Can't you have one serious conversation?" He asks annoyed.

"Once you start having a serious conversation, you can't stop." I say seriously. "Trust me one day you will understand."

Luckily before he can answer, and I am certain it would have been a sarcastic remark, the doors open and Pansy and Blaise enter.

They plop down on the seats opposite us.  We are all silent for sometime. "Were you two there?" Pansy finally asks not being able to hold it in anymore.

Blaise sends Pansy a 'be careful' look but Pansy ignores it. She looks at the two of us expectantly. "We were." I reply. Pansy is hesitant to ask the next question.

Finally she can't contain herself. "Were you in the middle of it?" She asks. Draco glances at me once but I shake my head. "No we were not." I say.

I notice Harry walking by outside and I excuse myself and go outside. "Harry." I call him. He turns around to face me. "Are you alright?" I ask.

He nods. "Charlie told us about you." He tells me. I shrug. "That is expected." I admit. The air between us is getting more awkward by the minute.

"Did you know?" He asks finally. He sounds a little desperate. "Did you know that it will happen?"

I shake my head. "No I didn't." I say. "Lucius left us alone in the stadium and went away. Before we could reach camp, they had started already." I explain.

Seems like Harry wants to believe me but is unsure. "And did he know? Your boyfriend?" Harry asks.

I want to snap at him about the boyfriend part but swallow it back. "No. Neither of us knew anything." I say. Harry nods but I am not sure if he completely believes me. "And Draco is not my boyfriend." I add turning back to go to my compartment.

"Wait!" Harry says quickly. I look back at him. "I believe you." He says. I nod and we go to our compartments. Draco simply glances at me once and must see something that makes him pleased.

Blaise and Pansy give me questioning looks as I sit down beside Draco, his arm immediately wrapping around my shoulders. Their gaze lingers on his arm but a glare from us quickly makes them look away.

"Tell me about your summer." I tell them. "You can decide who goes first." I add lazily.

Pansy starts and after a minute she stops and Blaise starts. Another minute later it is clear that they spend a lot of time together. I had put my head on Draco's shoulder and he rubs his palm on my shoulder.

Slytherin Royalty (Draco Malfoy) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ