iv) 'You Are The Key To Everything'

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The rest of the day is spent uneventfully. I explain about patronuses to Blaise and Pansy too but I don't tell them about my many patronuses. As we sit down for dinner, Draco starts asking me questions under his breath.

"What happens when someone falls in love with you?" He asks. I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?" I ask.
"Patronus." He simply answers. I nod understanding what he meant.

"I don't know." I answer. "Remus doesn't know anyone else with more than one patronus. So-" I shrug. He nods his head not saying anything else. We finish our dinner in silence and go back to our common room.

"I think we should go to bed." Pansy suggests. "We have to get up early tomorrow."

"I agree." I say. "What class do you guys have at first?" I ask turning to the others.
"Herbiology." Pansy and Blaise say at the same time. I turn towards Draco. "Divination." He replies, sounding uncomfortable.

I smile at him. "I have Divination too." I tell him. He relaxes a little. "It's the first class. Let's just go to sleep." I say. I don't wait for him to say anything and head to my dorm.


The next morning I wake up on time by myself. Pansy and I finish getting ready and head to the common room to find the boys waiting for us.

"Let's hope breakfast is uneventful." Pansy says. Both Draco and I exchange a look. Neither of us had said another word of what had happened.

We go to the Great Hall and have breakfast which is uneventful. "Divination will be rubbish." Blaise says as Draco and I get ready to head to divination.

I roll my eyes as Draco says, "Why don't you enjoy the time off, Zabini? I sure as hell will make sure you won't be getting any other." Draco starts to walk away while taking my hand to make sure I follow.

As we near the Divination classroom, we see Harry and Ron heading there as well. "Want to have a go?" I ask Draco. He smirks at me.

"Is that a dementor?" Draco asks loudly. Harry and Ron turn around to look where and spots us. Harry's widened eyes makes Draco and me start laughing as we push past them while I shoulder check Ron on purpose.

"Watch where you are going." Ron grumbles. Neither of us would have turned around if Ron had just kept his mouth shut. "Ugly bitch." He says.

Immediately both Draco and I turn around and I notice Harry staring at Ron too. "What did you say?" Draco asks, his voice low and threatening. "Speak up, Weasel." I add, my voice calm and collected.

Ron seems to be more afraid of me than Draco. Before things can escalate further Harry whispers to Ron, which everyone hears clearly, "Apologize." Ron looks between Harry, Draco and me and turns to face me properly.

"I am sorry." He says. I nod satisfied but it seems Draco isn't. As he goes to advance I place a hand on his to stop him. He looks at me eyebrows raised. I shake my head. He understands but turns back to Harry and Ron.

"Keep your little pet under check, Potter or-" He doesn't finish the threat just leaves it hanging in the air.

All Gryffindors and Slytherins had stopped to watch what was happening. As we walk away conversation resumes again. "Thanks." I tell him once we are out of earshot of the two.

Slytherin Royalty (Draco Malfoy) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora