xii) Poisoned Mead

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It has been sometime since the first apparition lesson and by now Draco has managed to apparate too. He flinched a little but atleast he didn't scream. His entire left arm had cut off and I remember swearing under my breath. Of all the places which could have cut off, it had to be the left arm.

But today for some reason I can't seem to find Draco. He told me he won't go to the room of requirement but he might have had a change of heart. I decide to check up there but first decide to check his dorm.

Entering I find Blaise sitting on Draco's bed, staring out of the window at nothing in particular. "Blaise, you seen Draco?" I ask.

"No." Blaise answers. His voice sounds different, like he is talking from a dream. "Have you seen Astoria?"

I furrow my brows. What the hell? Why would Blaise Zabini ask for Astoria Greengrass, the girl he hates? I walk over to Blaise to see he is holding a candy box.

"Why are you looking for Greengrass?" I ask Blaise as I notice a card on the bed.

I pick it up as Blaise answers. "Why do you think? I fucking love her."

I don't answer as I read the card. It is meant for Draco from Astoria and I am willing to bet everything that it contains a love potion. I sigh silently thinking about what I should do. I don't have the necessary items to make the antidote. But I know who does.

"Greengrass is supposed to have remedial potions in five minutes. Want to surprise her?" I ask Blaise.

Blaise nods eagerly. "Of course I would." He almost exclaims.

"Alright come with me." I say dragging him up. I am thankful that Pansy is in the dorm and I quickly drag Blaise away to Slughorn's office.

When I knock I hear shuffling sounds from inside. The door opens and surprisingly Harry steps out. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I am here to see Slughorn." I retort. "Open the door."

"He's busy." Harry replies clearly trying not to lose his temper.

"Where is Astoria?" Blaise says from behind me.

"She will be here soon." I say smiling to him. I turn back to Harry. "See why I need Slughorn?"

Harry stares at Blaise for a second before opening the door and leading the way inside. "There is another one, Professor." He announces.

I spot Ron sitting on the couches in a similar state as Blaise. I raise my eyebrows at Harry and he shrugs. "Romilda Vane." He says after I place Blaise on the couches.

Slughorn quickly finishes making the antidote, he hands one glass to Ron and another to Blaise. "Here you go, my boys, bottoms up."

"What's this?" Blaise asks with distaste.

"Tonic for the nerves." I reply.

Ron takes a little sip while Blaise downs it in one go. Blaise coughs before looking at me, the dreamy look gone from his face. I glance at Ron and see that the dreamy look from his face is gone too. I sigh in relief.

"What happened to me?" Blaise and Ron ask at the same time and then look at each other.

"Love potion." Harry answers.

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