xi) 'Sometimes You Have To Choose Between What Is Right And What Is Easy'

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Soon enough everyone returns. Over the holidays, I have managed to get more of Slughorn's trust and also made sure to make him understand that Harry and I only talk when absolutely necessary. When Slughorn questioned my closeness to Draco and if I will tell him about everything that we talk about, I had reassured Slughorn I wouldn't.

Draco had a bit more luck with the cabinet. We were able to send a few more objects through and all of them returned completely fine. And now we have instructions to start with living objects. That has posed a problem for us.

"What can we use?" I ask. "Anyone will notice if their pets go missing." Neither of us even consider that we will use humans.

"What if we get it from the forest?" Draco asks. "No one will miss it and as long as we stay near enough to the tree line, we will be safe."

I look towards the forest. It is a good idea. Hell, it's our best idea. After considering everything that can go wrong, I nod. Everything might go wrong but it will be worse if we don't do anything.

"We need to do it in the morning." I say. "I don't want to go there after dark."

Draco nods too. "Tomorrow early morning then."

Before I can answer, Pansy approaches us. "Have either of you seen the notice board?" She asks.

Draco and I look up. "No we haven't." I answer. I don't know the last time I actually paid attention to the board after Umbridge left.

"Come on." Pansy says grabbing my hand. I quickly snatch it out of her grip. She had grabbed my left hand and I am still paranoid about it. Pansy quirks an eyebrow but I don't let her say anything as I set off for the common room.

"You need to be more careful." Draco whispers catching upto me. I don't reply and simply walk over to the notice board.


If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before the 31st August next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate. Cost: 12 Galleons.

Draco and I exchange a look before signing it. I have always wanted to learn Apparition. I notice Pansy and Blaise have already signed.

"It will be fun, right?" Blaise says in an attempt to start conversation.

"It will be." I say. Draco and I have another completely different reason for learning. With what we are doing, it will be useful to have a quick escape.

"Draco, are you okay?" Pansy asks. I look towards them. What has happened? "You don't look so good."

I look at Draco carefully. Other than not paying attention to the conversation going on around, I try to see what is wrong. I immediately notice it. His skin is paler than before, he is thinner too and even his hair has lost the smooth look it had.

It had been so gradual that I had completely missed it. Pansy hadn't seen him for a week and it is clear to her. Draco looks at me with a clear question in his eyes and I nod slightly. He looks back at Pansy.

"I didn't get much sleep last night. I was up studying." Draco clears his throat and gets up. "I should go and finish."

I sigh silently. I don't know how I missed this. I have been with him always but I still couldn't see it. I was happy for a little bit when I realised how much of Slughorn's trust I have. But I can't find in myself to be happy anymore.

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