ix) Hogsmeade

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Draco Malfoy

Finally it is time for the Hogsmeade visit. I need to find a way to get away from the group without raising any suspicion. And this would be the first time I will be visiting Hogsmeade and Fiona won't be with me like other times.

I get rid of the thoughts and quickly get changed. Somehow my entire life is now revolving around Fiona and her reasons. I don't know how it came to this but it has. I sigh heavily at my thoughts.

I don't wait for Blaise. I go to the Great Hall to eat a quick breakfast and go to Hogsmeade before the others get here.

I don't really succeed. Pansy and Fiona are already there, eating and chatting by themselves. I stop and consider sitting with them. I decide to sit by myself and quickly finish eating.

Which again I don't succeed in doing. They spot me and Pansy waves me over. Fiona rolls her eyes and looks irritated. "Did you have to call him over?" She asks.

"What if she did?" I shoot back. To be fair, I enjoy the arguments we have. Those are the only times I can have any interaction with Fiona. The only other time we talk is on the quidditch pitch and anyone can tell that it is forced.

"I didn't ask you." She snarls at me. Before she can turn back to Pansy, I again shoot back, "You didn't specify who you are talking to."

Fiona rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She gets up. "Pansy, find me after you finish." And with that she walks out of the Hall.

I huff as I sit down. She is so annoying sometimes. But isn't that why I fell in love with her? Because she is so fucking annoying?

I decide to ask Viktor. I have a feeling he won't tell me but he might just let enough of it slip. And now I am grasping at straws to solve a mystery I know I can't.

I quickly shove food down all the while keeping my composure. My plans to go alone fail too because Pansy and Blaise insist that Fiona and I accompany them. Atleast it will be easier to slip off now.

When we get to Hogsmeade, Pansy and Blaise quickly slip off leaving me and Fiona alone. I roll my eyes. I have no idea if her mood has improved at all.

"I will go on my own." Fiona says breaking the silence between us. I nod happy that she is the one who proposed that we go our separate ways.

After roaming around for sometime I make my way to the Three Broomsticks. I don't have to look around as I quickly find Viktor sitting alone in a hidden corner.

Without directly approaching him, I first go to Madam Rosmerta and order a Butterbear for me. After taking it I glance back at Viktor and he nods showing I can finally join him. I go over and sit down, both of us hidden in the dark.

"Why did you insist on secrecy?" Viktor asks immediately. Unlike last time, there is no hello or any other form of greeting.

"Because I don't want anyone to find out that I am meeting you. Especially Fiona." I answer.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

"Because I want to do something and the only Order member I could think of contacting is you."

"Who says I am a Order member?"

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