xxv) McGonagall's Win

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"Don't remember this on the Marauders Map." Ron speaks up.

"That is because it never existed till now." Neville answers.

"All secret passageways were sealed off at the beginning of the year." I tell them. "This is the only way in or out now. Grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and dementors."

"How bad is it with Snape as Headmaster?" Hermione asks.

Neville shrugs. "Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you need to watch out for."

"The Carrows?" Harry's eyes turn to Draco and me.

"They are twins, brother and sister. They were at the Astronomy Tower... that night." Draco answers and Harry nods not pressing the matter.

"How did you get in trouble?" I ask Neville before anyone can ask questions about 'that night'.

"I was helping... a student... and he had gotten in trouble with Alecto. I was just getting him away when Alecto saw me and did what she always does." Neville answers haltingly making me wonder who the student is.

"What were you doing out?" Draco asks incredulously. "The moment the Carrows or Snape catch you, it's over."

"They didn't care." Neville answers. "A letter went to my Gran telling her that I must start attending school again and that they won't attack me. Of course we had planned on how I should run if things got bad."

"That's reckless." Draco states from beside me.

"Anything we should know?" I ask Neville before anyone can say anything else on the matter.

"You will see." Neville smiles mysteriously and I simply roll my eyes. I know he won't tell me even if I ask. "Ready?" Neville asks looking back once we reach the canvas door.

"Not in the slightest." Ron mutters.

Neville swings the canvas door open and steps outside. "Hey, listen up you lot! I have brought a surprise for you!" Neville calls into the Room of Requirement.

I see the four house banners hanging around the walls and hammocks under the banners. But what catches my eyes is that there is a few hammocks under the Slytherin banner.

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope! It's a surprise I can digest it!" A voice calls. Seamus. I remember how cold he was to Draco and me and only started to warm up tto me after Draco helped Neville.

Neville steps aside and Harry enters the room, Ron and Hermione following. Instantly everyone starts clapping and cheering.

"I am betting that ours will be louder." I smirk at Draco.

"As if that's even a question." Draco rolls his eyes. The clapping and cheering has stopped and they have already moved down. I share a look with Draco before both of us stepping out.

Everyone is too busy with greeting the three Gryffindors to notice us standing here. I see a lot of familiar faces but what catches my attention is the number of Slytherins in here. Pansy, Blaise and the rest of the quidditch team. And the few I didn't expect to see.

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