iii) The Ruined Wedding

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They are getting ready for the raid on the Ministry of Magic. Draco and I are not going but I know what I have to do once they are gone. All of them now believe me so it will be easier to make them believe me about this.

After they are gone, I am left alone with the Malfoys. I walk up to my room, Draco following. "Are you going to warn them?" He asks.

I grab my cloak. "Yeah, they need to move Harry and fast."

Draco nods. "I will meet you there." Draco opens the door and I apparate to the Burrow.

Of course I have to apparate outside their boundary. I walk in but stay close to the shadows away from everyone's view. The wedding celebrations are going on in full swing and all I want is to join in.

I walk around the tent trying to find someone. Vik is the one who spots me and the smile immediately disappears from his face. I won't be here unless it is for something extremely important.

He takes a look around and approaches me. I notice Charlie is behind him and noticing Vik, he also follows. I stay away from their view until they are hidden in the shadows too.

I approach, my wand held out in front of me. They also take out their wands. "First time we talked." Charlie says.

"During the Quidditch World Cup final." I answer. "I was putting Ron in his place and you enjoyed it." Charlie nods his head and I turn my focus to Vik. "My childhood crush."

Vik smirks a little as he answers, "Draco Malfoy." All three of us lower our wands and we hug each other.

"We have missed you." Vik says after we pull away. I smile softly and look between the two of them. My eyes travel down to both of their hands. They quickly separate but I have seen what I need to.

"As much as I would love to hear that story-" I point to their now separated hands. "-there are pressing matters." I say becoming serious again. "The Ministry will fall tonight and after that they are going to attack here."

They both look back at the celebration. "We need to warn them."

My scar burns and I know that the Ministry has falled. "We don't have time to warn them. Get Harry out of here now. I will be fighting with the Death Eaters."

Charlie nods and quickly hurries away but Vik lingers. "You know that I love you right?" He asks.

"Of course I do." I scoff. "There was never any question about that."

"Good." He says. "Because I am going to say sorry about what will happen next. I will fight you."

"That is better than me fighting someone else." I say and look towards the celebration. "Go on. I will join you soon enough."

Vik nods and leaves too. It doesn't take very long before the Mark burns and the order to attack is given. As soon as the first Death Eater arrives, I apparate in there too.

Draco and I quickly meet and start shooting non-lethal spells. Suddenly I spot Harry very close to me trying to run for someone else.

I am the one who grabs Harry and stops him. "Get out of here." I hiss pushing him towards Ron and Hermione. Ron looks over surprised while Hermione gives a nod of gratitude before they all apparate away.

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