xiii) The Truth

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When I open my eyes, the lights are dim and it seems like I am lying on something soft. I raise my hands and see that I am wearing my quidditch uniform. I remember what happened.

I sigh silently and look to my side. His head on my bed while sitting on the chair, Draco is sleeping. I smile a little to myself. He looks cute like this.

I shake out of those thoughts. Not happening. I roll up the sleeve on my left arm. The Mark isn't visible. I furrow my brows. That isn't possible. I had forgotten to cast the concealment charm. It should be visible by now.

I quickly put down my hand when I feel movement beside me. I look to see Draco sitting up. The way his eyes flick to my left hand before meeting my eyes tell me that he already knows about the Mark. Neither of us say anything unsure of what to say.

"What happened?" I ask. "The match, I mean." I quickly add.

"We won." Draco answers. "We had a lead of two hundred points. Potter caught the snitch still." His voice makes it clear that we are both avoiding the main point and he knows it.

"Who hit the bludger?" I ask. I am literally grasping at straws to avoid the real conversation.

"Crabbe." He answers. "How are you feeling?"

"My shoulder feels stiff but otherwise perfect." I answer. We both go silent with nothing else to say. "Just ask." I say finally.

"When?" He asks immediately.

I consider how much truth I should say. I decide on all of it. "I agreed to join him when I was at the graveyard. He marked me three days before we got the letters."

Draco nods. I am not certain if he is angry or not. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. The question I had been dreading.

I sigh and look up at the ceiling. "Um... Because that was the only way I could think about protecting you." I answer.

"Protect me?" He asks incredulously. "Why in the name of Merlin would you need to protect me? And from whom?" Draco isn't shouting but his voice makes it clear that he is angry.

"Because I care about you too much to not try to protect you." I answer. "And from whom? Who do you think? Use your brain." I am surprised by that question.

"Why did you join Him?" He asks quietly. I look at him, at his grey eyes. They show that he is hurt that I joined Him but also curious about the reason.

"Because..." I clear my throat which has gone dry suddenly. "Because if I didn't he would have..." I close my eyes not letting him see the tears. "...you..." I can't say it, atleast not to him. I said it without problem to everyone else but when it comes to Draco, I remember the descriptions Voldemort gave me.

I feel the bed dip and look to see Draco sitting on the bed. He reaches out and cups my face. "Do you really care about me that much?" He asks, his voice soft.

"Yes." I answer immediately without hesitation. "I do."

Draco leans in and kisses me. I don't even try to resist and kiss him back, wrapping my left hand around his shoulders. "I do too." He whispers.

I don't try to stop the tears falling down my face. "I am sorry about the last months. I should have just told you and..."

Draco stops me by placing a finger on my lips. "Don't apologise. You did what you thought was right. I would have done it too. I would do anything to protect you too."

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