vi) Questions

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Draco Malfoy

"After we touched the Cup, we were transported some place where I suddenly lost consciousness and I only regained it right before we came back. I do not know what happened in between." Fiona lies without causing any suspicion.

I stare at her trying to understand where she is going with this. She meets my gaze and it is clear that she understands I am not going to let this go.

"So, according to you, the attack on Cedric Diggory's life was of his own accord?" Potter asks, his voice shaking.

I turn my attention to him. If he lets something slip I am not missing it. He might explain what I need to know without realising it. Merlin! I am now listening to Potter to understand Fiona. What the hell has happened to me?

"There is no evidence supporting your theory." Umbridge says sweetly. "Mr. Diggory and Ms. Potter, both explained a similar situation that does not match yours."

"Voldemort tried to kill him and you know it."

So whatever happened at the graveyard which made Fiona shut me off has something to do with the Dark Lord without any doubt. And that day Fiona talked to Snape, alone.

My mind is racing with more questions than it should. Fiona is at the front of every thought and I can't get her out of my mind.

After Potter leaves everyone starts to read again but my mind keeps wandering back to how Fiona lied. What, in Merlin's beard, is happening that everyone except me knows about.

Finally the bell of the class rings and I quickly pack my stuff. I notice Fiona is already at the door. I follow her and as soon as I see an empty classroom, I grab her arm and drag her in there.

"Let go!" She shouts angrily.

I do once we are inside. I quickly lock the door and turn towards her to see she is rubbing her left arm where I had grabbed her. Even though I am angry, I know I didn't grab her that tightly.

"What was that?" I ask ignoring how she is still rubbing her arm.

"What was what?" She asks annoyed.

"Why did you lie?!" I am exasperated now.

Without answering Fiona takes out her wand. I watch her wearily but don't raise mine. I still trust her that much. She casts the silencing charm and turns to me.

"Because Dumbledore told me too." She answers. "He gave a script to both Cedric and me. I didn't think he won't give it to Harry."

I eye her wearily. I believe that part but I know there is more that she is not telling me. "And what happened that night?" I ask, my voice conveying that I don't trust her when she says that there is nothing more.

"I already told you everything." She answers in an exasperated tone. "What else am I supposed to say?"

"What you already haven't told me!" I shout.

She doesn't answer for a minute and it seems as if she is struggling to say what she wants. "There is nothing more to say." She says finally.

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