xxxii) Epilogue

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I turn around to see Draco making his way over the rubble to where I am, a huge smile on his face.

With a similar smile on my face, I make my way over to him. I throw my arms around his neck and he pulls me against him tightly. No words are exchanged as we enjoy each other's embrace.

I was dead not even an hour ago. "I almost can't believe it." He says when we have pulled away slightly.

"Which part?" I ask, a smirk replacing the smile. "Me alive? Or Voldemort dead?"

"Both." Draco answers before pulling me in a kiss. "And don't you ever do that ever again."

"I won't. I promise. And this time you can be damn certain I will keep it." I tell him.

"You better." He laughs and pulls me into another hug.

"I don't care that I still don't like you." Harry says while approaching. "Partially." He adds with a laugh and throws one arm around me and the other around Draco.

I hear Hermione laugh and a second later she joins the hug too, along with Ron. We stay there for a few minutes too relieved to bother about anything else.

I am the first to to pull away but it's a little hard when I am being sandwiched by the others. "Alright move." I say loudly and laughing the others let go.

We make our way into the Great Hall with Harry in the lead. I am certain he's going to look for Ginny. Ron and Hermione, holding hands, follow Harry while Draco, with his arm around my shoulder, follow them at our own pace.

"You need to tell me a few things." Draco says.

"Not a few, a lot." I correct him. "You will soon find that I kept quite a few secrets even after promising that I won't."

"Well, I did too. So I guess we are even." Draco says.

My eyes land on a peculiar sight. Narcissa is sitting and talking with the Weasleys. "What did I miss?" I ask Draco gesturing at them.

"Bellatrix attacked me and Mother stepped in." Draco answers rubbing the back of his neck and smiling slightly. "She killed Bellatrix."

I look at him in shock. "She did that." I sound just as surprised as I feel.

Draco nods vigorously before starting to make his way over to Narcissa. I don't stay back either and follow him. I need to talk to Charlie.

"Mother." Draco calls and all of them turn round. Narcissa gets up and pulls Draco into a hug immediately while I quietly disappear from their view.

I go to stand next to Charlie, who still hasn't moved from Vik's side. He looks up and moves over so that I can sit down. "I am sorry I couldn't protect him." He says.

"It wasn't your duty to protect him." I say placing a hand on his arm. "He knew the dangers, we all did. And as much as it hurts us that he won't be with us, he's in a better place. A place free from suffering and pain. A place where he gets to be at peace. And he loved you and that's what matters."

Charlie sniffles. "When we talked, it seemed like he loved you more than anyone else. And I understood that because you were the only one who was there for him when he needed it. I just wish we had more time."

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