vii) Sirius Black

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"Don't you want to know the truth?" Sirius Black asks me.
Draco and I had frozen on our spots when we saw him. Black has not tried to move towards us, he is only standing there observing us.
Draco is the first to come back to his senses. From the corner of my eyes I see him trying to reach his wand discreetly. This makes me come back to my senses.
I stop him. He gives me a confused look but doesn't argue. Black looks pleased that I stopped Draco from attacking him. I turn to Black.
"And how would I know you are telling the truth?" I ask, my voice calm despite the situation we are in.
"You can read minds. If I lie you will know it immediately." Black replies.
I nod. "And what truth are you talking about?" I ask only to feign ignorance.
"The truth about who betrayed your parents." Black replies. "I know what happened and I can tell you everything."
Draco had been quite all this time but now decides to speak up. "How did you get past the dementors?" He asks.
I wait for him to reply. "It's easier if I show you." He says and turns into a giant black dog. I can't help but gasp.
"Dementors can only comprehend human emotions." I say. Black turns back into a human.
"You don't seem surprised that I am an animagus?" He asks with furrowed brows.
"Remus told me you are one." I say. Draco looks at me. "What?" He asks confusion clear in his voice. I roll my eyes slightly. "Only I had forgotten about it cause he had told me a long time ago." I add sending a pointed glare towards Draco.
Black chuckles and I turn to glare at him. "What are you waiting for? Talk!" I order him.
Draco turns his attention to Black as well. He looks between the two of us before beginning. "The truth is that I was never their secret keeper." He says. I stare at him in disbelief.
"You were their best friend. They would have made you their secret keeper without a second thought!" I almost yell at Black. Draco gives me an uneasy look but I ignore him.
"You are right." Black says. "They wanted me as their secret keeper but I refused. I told them that Voldemort would know I am their secret keeper. So I had suggested someone else for the job." He stops waiting for me to say something.
My mind is racing, going over the possibilities of who could have been their secret keeper. Then it comes to me. There is only one other person they would have trusted. But why would he have betrayed them either?
Draco's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Then who was?" He asks angrily.
But Black's eyes are fixed on me. He's staring at me intently waiting for me to answer that question. "Peter Pettigrew." I whisper but they hear me quite well.
"Exactly." Black says. Draco is still looking at Black in disbelief.
"You murdered him." He says. "And then you are saying he betrayed them. Why would he do that?"
"She already said why." Black says gesturing at me. Draco turns his face towards me obviously thinking the same thing I am. What have I said.
Both of our eyes widen at the same time. "He was in shadow of the rest of you." We both say.
Black nods. "Now you understand." He then turns towards Draco. "I didn't kill him. He is still alive and here inside the castle."
Draco's face shows he doesn't believe a word while I am thinking about them being animaguses. "Mouse." I say suddenly. "He can turn into a mouse."
"Yes!" Black says excitedly. But Draco asks another good question. "How is he alive?"
Black turns back to him. "Because all I ever did is threaten him with my wand. He held his wand behind him and used it to blow of the street." He answers.
"So he blew up the street, killed the muggles then framed you?" I ask, disbelief clear in my voice. Black nods. "All that was found of him is his finger." I mutter.
Black nods his head vigorously. "Exactly." He says. "But I have no idea who inside the castle has a rat with only ten fingers."
Draco asks something else but I don't listen, my mind is completely elsewhere. "A common garden rat living for twelve years will be suspicious." Draco says getting my attention.
"Unless the family is stupid enough to not suspect anything." I say, wondering how someone can be so stupid. Something about my voice makes them both turn to me. "Who?" They both ask.
"The Weasleys." I answer. Draco's eyes widen in surprise while Black furrows his brows. "Ron said that the rat has been in the family for the last twelve years and it has one finger missing." I explain.
"I know the Weasleys are idiots but didn't think this idiotic." Draco says. I shoot him a look which says 'Not now'. Black doesn't pay any attention to Draco.
"Which Weasley? And where is he?" He asks me.
"Ron Weasley." I answer. "Gryffindor Tower." Draco looks at me as if I am mad. "In the same dorm as your brother." He points out.
Black's eyes widen. "You mean he can kill Harry if he wishes?" He asks in a panic.
Draco shrugs clearly not sure how to answer that. "He won't." I say. "He could have done it in the last two years. I doubt he will do anything yet."
"I don't like it still." Black says in less panic than before. "Dumbledore is inside the castle. Remember that." I tell Black.
I look down at my watch. "We need to go back now." I say. "If we don't want anyone to start asking questions." Draco also looks at his watch.
"I agree we need to go back." He says. I get the invisibility cloak and throw it over Draco's shoulder. I watch Black turn into a dog and run off as we hurry back to the castle.

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