xx) Second Task

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I am standing on a platform in the middle of the Lake with the judges, other champions and friends. Neville and Dean Thomas are with Harry which means both Ron and Hermione were taken and our guesses are right.

Pansy and Blaise are looking around as well. They must be searching for Draco. I turn towards Vik and Cedric. Ivan is with Vik and one of the Hufflepuffs is with Cedric.

They both turn to me. "Anything else I should know about?" Cedric asks.

"Has Chang showed up?" I ask Cedric.

He shakes his head. "I am finding that a bit weird."

I nod. "Hermione hasn't shown up either." I say looking at Vik.

"Great I am in trouble." Vik mutters.

"Wait they have stolen those we care for the most?" Cedric asks.

I nod. "They have." I confirm. I then turn to Vik. "Stay close to me." I tell him. He nods.

"This has turned into something else completely now." Cedric says. "We need to rescue them and I think we can do it together without any problems."

I nod. "We will certainly complete the task and save thee three of them without trouble if we work together." I agree.

"So all three of us are sticking together?" Vik asks.

I nod. "Sounds like a good plan. Just don't let Karkaroff hear it." Ivan says, speaking for the first time ever since I started talking.

Vik nods. "That I can manage." He says.

"What about the other two?" Cedric asks.

"I don't care about them." I say. "Fleur should be able to manage it herself and Harry usually doesn't get any problems."

Vik shrugs. "I don't see any problem." He says. Cedric nods. "Very well. The three of us will be enough."

Dumbledore steps up silencing the crowd. We step away from each other before anything can get suspicious. I notice Cedric saying something to his friend and Ivan giving detailed instructions on swimming to Vik.

I shift my attention to my friends. "Why hasn't Draco shown up?" I hear Pansy say.

"He won't." I tell her.

Blaise doesn't ask any questions. "Good luck, Fiona." He says and gives me a hug. "We will be waiting for you."

I give him a smile and line up with the other champions. I am between Cedric and Harry. When the whistle sounds I jump into the water after muttering, "Branchiae."

The gills appear immediately and I take a few deep breaths to get oxygen in. I look around and spot Vik and Cedric nearby. I gesture for them to start swimming.

As soon as we are beside each other I see what they are using. Cedric has cast a bubblehead charm and Vik has transformed his head to that of a shark.

Small fishes swim past us. We keep going deeper and deeper trying to find the others. Light green weed stretch ahead of us as far as I can see, two feet deep, like a meadow of very overgrown grass.

Slytherin Royalty (Draco Malfoy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt