iii) 'We want to check something'

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We are a little late in leaving and end up almost missing the Hogwarts Express. We don't even try to find an empty carriage knowing all of them will have been taken by now.

We end up sitting at a table with Blaise and Pansy. Almost immediately they launch into an account of their summer, which as always they spent together.

I wonder if they don't know or ignore the fact that not everyone wants to listen to them. I don't mind it this time. My mind is far away and I can tell so is Draco's.

I let my fingers fiddle with Draco's hair and he leans his head slightly so I can do it better. I smirk a little at Draco.

He narrows his eyes and gently grabs my hand. He takes it away from my hair and I let him curious to see what he is doing. He puts it on his lap and tugs me to him making me rest my head on his shoulder. He starts to message my scalp and it feels wonderful.

I shift to get comfortable and put my hand behind his head and resume my movements. He rolls his eyes at me but doesn't stop me.

I close my eyes enjoying the feeling of his fingers, not stopping what I am doing. "Are either of you listening?" Pansy suddenly asks startling me.

"Yes, of course." I say quickly though it sounds like a big lie.

Draco smirks at me. "Can you two stop being lovebirds for one second and listen to what I am asking?" She asks.

"What?" I ask in a tired voice. I really don't want to make a sarcastic comment right now.

"Do you two stop being lovebirds for even one second?" Draco shoots back. I close my eyes as I lay my head back down on his shoulder. Draco didn't stop for one second and neither did I.

Before anyone else can say something else, the carriage is suddenly filled with people coughing and swearing. I cough as well, as I open my eyes. I can see nothing except blackness. I feel Draco raise my head and then he is gone from beside me. Before I can call his name, the smoke clears and I see him standing beside our table.

Draco looks tense as he looks around the carriage. "Just sit down, Draco, we will be at Hogwarts soon." I say gently, patting the seat beside mine. Draco looks at me before sitting back down. I can tell he is tense.

"I am surprised Mother agreed on sending me back this year." Blaise says as I notice Draco look at something suspiciously. I look up and see that my case is not beside Draco's. I remember placing them together

"Hogwarts! What a pathetic excuse of a school. I think I will pitch myself of the Astronomy Tower if I had to continue for another two years." Draco says getting my attention. I raise my eyebrows a little wondering what the hell he is talking about.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asks.

"Let's just say I don't see myself wasting my time in charms class next year." Draco replies. That much I did expect.

Blaise snickers a little. "Amused, Blaise?" Draco asks as Pansy's attention turns to Blaise. "We'll just see who's laughing in the end." How much more obvious can he get?

My eyes are caught by something on the luggage rack on top of us. Draco's case seems to move slightly. I try to ignore it as I join in the conversation.

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