xii) Our place

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The next morning I read Rita Skeeter's article. "I hate her!" I exclaim. "What is bullshit this?"

"What did she write?" Draco asks apprehensively. I toss him the newspaper. "Read for yourself."

Draco catches the paper. I notice his eyes widen as he reads it. "Is she mad?!" Draco exclaims.

I laugh a little. "I told you so." I say. Pansy and Blaise sit down opposite us. "How does she know you have problems with your brother?" Blaise asks.

I roll my eyes. "Look at the two of us. Anyone who pays attention can realise it. I don't care where she learned that from. Why does she think that Vik has problem with Draco and wants Cedric to be my boyfriend. And on top of that she has written that I am trying to string both boys together. What the hell does she think herself as?!"

"Does it matter as long as we all know the truth?" Pansy asks fearfully. No one has ever seen me this angry and I have never been this angry before either.

They are right to be afraid of me. I might use magic on one of them, with the exception of Draco of course.

"Will you like it if someone writes false truths about you?" I snap at her.

"Nobody likes it." Draco says shooting a warning look towards Pansy. He gets up and approaches me. "I want to show you something." He offers his hand to me.

I don't even hesitate and take it. It is Draco not someone else, after all. Draco leads me outside and towards the trees. In a particular place the branches have lowered so much that the leaves reach the ground. Draco leads me exactly there. He parts the leaves and gestures for me to go first.

I shoot him a confused look but enter either way. It is a small clearing which is surrounded by leaves keeping it hidden from outside. I turn in a circle taking it all in.

"How did you find it?" I ask him.

Draco shrugs. "I was mad at your brother for getting attention like always. I was wondering around the grounds when I found this place. I was in my second year." Draco explains. He steps forward and hugs me from behind. I lean into him slightly. "I was trying to find the right time to show you this."

I smile. "You don't have to find a right time to show me something." I tell him. I turn around, still in his arms. I loop my arms around his neck. "Anytime would be perfect."

Draco smiles too. Without waiting another second he leans in and kisses me. He runs his tongue along my lower lip. I part my mouth slightly and he pushes his tongue in, exploring my mouth.

Finally I break the kiss. I lean my forehead against his, staring into the grey eyes I have come to love. I have finally accepted it to myself that I do love him even though I would never say it out loud not until I am certain about it to myself.

"We can stay here as long as you like." He whispers to me. "Then we are staying for some time." I answer. A smirk forms on Draco's face. "Then it's a good thing I plan ahead."

Before I can ask what he means he takes my wand from my back pocket. I open my mouth to protest but he flicks the wand once and a music starts. I listen closely and realise it is the song we had danced to during the Christmas Ball.

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