viii) Break-in

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That night after dinner Draco, Pansy, Blaise and I are talking about our day in the common room. Suddenly the door opens and Dumbledore and Snape walk in. "Where is Fiona Potter?" Snape asks in his monotonous voice.
"Here, sir." I answer. Snape and Dumbledore almost look relieved on seeing me. They walk over.
"And, Ms. Potter, where have you been since returning?" Dumbledore asks me.
"With them." I say gesturing to Draco, Blaise and Pansy. Dumbledore nods satisfied. Now this is becoming confusing. What is happening?

Snape turns to the common room. "Everyone take your sleeping bags and gather in the Great Hall." He announces.
Draco and I exchange a look. Both of us thinking the same thing. Sirius must have tried to enter the Gryffindor Tower. What we don't notice is that Dumbledore is watching us carefully.
We do as we are told and gather in the Great Hall. The other houses are there as well. We have to sleep here. "I would like to know what happened." Pansy says to no one in particular.
Even I would like to know the details. "Leave it to me." I say and before anyone can say anything I make my way to where Harry is.
"Harry." I call him. He looks up and on seeing me his face becomes relieved. Why is everyone acting so confusing today?
"Fiona you are alright." He says. I look at him confused. "Why won't I be?" I ask.
He looks around and lowers his voice. "Sirius Black tried to enter Gryffindor Tower." He says. "He is after both of us you know that." I nod at his words.
I knew Sirius would try this but I didn't expect him to leave proof behind him. "Are they searching the castle?" I ask.
"Yes." He replies. "Though Dumbledore thinks he won't stick around."
I nod. "That would not be very clever." I say. Seeing the confused look on Harry's face I add, "Sticking around." He nods. "I need to go back now. Good night."
"Good night." He says back and I make my back to Draco, Pansy and Blaise.
"So?" Blaise asks. I can tell Draco is annoyed but I ignore him for now.
"Black tried to break into the Gryffindor Tower." I reply. Both Pansy and Blaise look surprised.
"Doesn't he know he would be caught if he tried that?" Pansy asks.
"He should know." Draco says looking at me pointedly. I know he is telling me to stop this conversation which I happily do.
"Can we not discuss this now?" I ask. "I am tired." Pansy and Blaise quickly nod and Draco looks impressed.
As we get our sleeping bags ready I lean towards Draco. "Never shut down a conversation that fast?" I ask.
Draco rolls his eyes. "I have shut down conversations faster but I didn't expect you of all people to use that excuse."
I shrug. "I use whatever suits my purpose." We get in our sleeping bags but I am anything but sleepy.
I know Draco is awake as well. We are next to each other so that we can talk but we don't. I am thinking about Sirius being caught. I desperately hope he isn't.
"Thinking about Sirius?" Draco asks quietly.
I simply hum in response. "I just wish he hadn't tried that." I say after a second.
"I know." He says. He then turns so he is facing me. "I never thought I would actually think about what happens to someone else until I met you."
I smile at him though I doubt he can see it. "I feel the same way." I say. "All my life I didn't care about what happened to anyone. Not even Viktor who I consider a big brother atleast not like now. "
He sighs. "Do you only care about what happens to Sirius?" He asks hesitantly.
I furrow my brows. "I don't understand what you mean." I say. Everyone is confusing me tonight.
Draco takes a deep breath as if he's nervous. Then I realise he is. "I mean, is there anyone else you care about other than Sirius?" He asks this time even more hesitantly.
"Yes." I reply. I start to understand where he is going with this. "Why? Who do you care about?" I ask also hesitant.

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