vi) Imperio

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Another Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I still haven't gotten over the last one. Draco is almost hovering over me today.

"Today I will be putting you under the Imperius Curse." Moody announces. Even my mouth falls open at his plan.

"Hey, Potter. Are you wishing it's you who is casting the curse?" Ernie McMillan, who is nearby whispers.

The news about me casting the Killing Curse spread like wildfire. And now everyone, except the Slytherins who think it was cool, hates me. I sigh. Draco opens his mouth to say something but I put a hand on his shoulder stopping him.

McMillan notices this. "Awwww listening to your girlfriend now? What are you her pet dog?" He comments.

Draco opens his mouth, this time enraged. But I am faster than him and quickly cut him off. "McMillan, if you keep this up I will cast the Imperius Curse on you and make you jump out the Astronomy tower." I hiss at him.

The Slytherins nearby send me an impressed glance. I notice Nott looking at me for longer than everyone else. He has been creepy since the start of this year.

I quickly avert my gaze from him and notice Harry staring at me with an unreadable expression. I look away and focus back on Moody.

"Professor I thought you said it is illegal. To use curses on other people." Hermione says cautiously.

"Dumbledore wants you to know what it feels like." Moody shrugs. I frown and notice Harry doing the same.

"That is exactly what Dumbledore would never say." I whisper so low that only Draco can hear me.

Draco nods slowly. "I might hate Dumbledore but that really doesn't sound like him." He mutters under his breath too.

Moody starts to put the students under the curse making them do stupid things. None of them is able to resist them which makes Moody.... more moody, I guess. He is getting more and more frustrated with each student until, "Potter!"

Both Harry and I start walking forward together and then stop. We share a look. Harry glares at me while I simply look at him with an unreadable expression.

Moody looks between the two of us. "Male Potter." He says. Harry abandons glaring at me and looks at Moody bewildered. I smirk to myself as I go back to Draco and Harry walks to the center of the room.


A dreamy look comes over Harry's face. "Walk back to your place." Moody orders Harry. He doesn't move even a little. Moody gives the same order again, this time more forcefully. Harry still doesn't move. Moody orders him a third time and this time Harry's face contorts in pain as he walks towards his place clearly unwilling.

"Stop it." Hermione and I say at the same time. As much as I hate Harry sometimes, I still don't want to hurt him. Moody looks at me and lifts his wand. The dreamy look goes away and Harry seems like he will collapse from the pain.

I notice Draco looking at Harry with something close to concern. I am not sure if it is concern for Harry or what will happen to me. I have a feeling it is the later.

"Your turn, Ms. Potter." Moody says. Draco catches my hand. "Fiona-" He begins in a worried tone. I give him a reassuring glance. "Do you trust me, Draco?" I ask. The entire class is looking at the two of us.

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