v) Firebolt

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Madam Pomfrey, the matron, has bandaged Draco's arm and told him to stay the night. He is lying in the bed and enjoying himself very much.

"You're a bloody fool, you know that?" I ask him. I haven't left the hospital since he was brought in. I don't know why but I want to stay.

He looks over at me. "Why?" He asks, his tone quite serious.

"Why?" I repeat in surprise. "Because you approached a Hippogriff like that. Quite clearly you don't know the first thing about them."

"Hmm." He doesn't say anything else and goes back to staring at the ceiling. "Why did you do it?" I ask.

This time he turns on the bed to face me. "Because I wanted to prove that I can do it. That I can be better than Potter." He answers.

I sigh. I know he is jealous of my brother but I didn't expect it to be this much. "You don't have to prove you're better than him." I say. "You already are."

He scoffs. "No one will say that except the Slytherins. And then again they will say it because they have to." He says. I can tell he is trying not to yell at me which is surprising for Draco Malfoy.

"Does what I think matter?" I ask. He seems to think about the question for a minute before nodding. "Good. Because I think you're better than him."

He smiles a little at the words. "How long can you stay?" He asks. He is clearly hoping I will say sometime. I smile at him and wave my wand towards a chair. It flies and lands beside me. I sit down and turn to him. "Until dinner." I reply.
His smile grows wider at my answer. "Did you really think I will leave you alone?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I just thought you didn't care that much." He says in a low voice.
I give him a smile and move the chair closer to his bed and hold his hand. He seems surprised by it but doesn't pull away. "Draco, I do care. I don't know why but I do. And to me that's all that matters for now." I explain.

He seems happy with my answer. We talk about this and that until Madam Pomfrey comes with his dinner. "You should go to the Great Hall." She informs me.

I hear Draco groan from behind me. I turn to see he's looking at his dinner. An idea comes to mind so I ask Madam Pomfrey, "Can I come back after dinner?" I know Draco's waiting to hear the reply too.

Madam Pomfrey considers for a moment then nods. "You can stay the night if you want to." She says before ushering me out. I glance back to see Draco grinning at me.

As soon as I sit down for dinner Pansy and Blaise start asking questions at the same time. "Stop. Stop!" I say a little loudly to be heard over them. "I can only answer one question at a time."

Both of them stop and exchange a look. "How is he?" Pansy asks first.

"He is perfectly fine." I say. Pansy let's out a relieved breath.

"When is he going to be out?" Blaise asks.
"I'm not sure." I answer. "But not before tomorrow." Blaise nods.

"You missed Potions." Pansy says. "You're lucky you're in Slytherin or Snape would have been down your throat."

I laugh. "What did he teach?" I ask. I think it will be something I already know.

"We revised Wiggenweld potion." Blaise replies.

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