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I am sitting in a train compartment with Draco. He talked to his friends to make sure that they welcome me. Right now those friends are somewhere and I could care less about them. They are not a part of my mission. "Don't tell them your real name yet." Draco says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I am not an idiot, Malfoy." I say. "No Slytherin will happily welcome Harry Potter's sister. I know this." He rolls his eyes.

"I did." He points out. "You only knew my first name. And after that you started to hang out with me because your father ordered you to." I scoff. He looks at me in disbelief. "I show a beautiful girl around and this is how she thanks me." He grumbles in a low tone. He must have thought I didn't hear him.

"You think I am beautiful?" I ask smirking. He blushes when he realises what my words mean. "No...No I di...didn't mean that." He manages to say through the stuttering.

I laugh at him. "You really are cute when you are stuttering." I say. He somehow manages to stop blushing even though I just called him cute. "Can I see your scar?" He asks quickly changing the subject.

"Great job." I say sarcastically. He smirks at me. I don't say anything else about it, only roll the sleeve of my dress up to reveal the scar. It's right above my left elbow, so unless I turn my arm around no one will be able to see it easily. He stares at it for a minute in wonder. "Never seen my brother's?" I ask.

"I don't know if you noticed yesterday but we are not exactly friendly." His voice is filled with sarcasm. I am beginning to suspect he always has a sarcastic undertone in his voice. I roll my eyes. "Even if I had any doubts, they vanished when I got back."

He looks a little guilty. "I hope he didn't give you much trouble." The sarcasm in his voice replaced by something close to an apologetic tone. I laugh. "Don't worry about it." I say.

There is another thing about me which no one knows. I am a Legilimens meaning I can read minds. And I learned how to block others from reading my mind. Dumbledore, himself, has taught me this. I decide to read his mind and I find something I didn't expect.

He really has taken a liking to me. But he is afraid of what his father would say if he finds out there is more to us than just him acting as if he likes me to gain my trust. There is another thing too. He wants to do anything he can to disobey his father. I think maybe he can be useful to me if I tell him everything. But I am not sure if I should. I don't know if I can trust him yet. But then again I think I can. Merlin! I really need to make a decision soon.

My train of thoughts is interrupted when the compartment doors open and two students enter. A pug faced girl who introduces herself as Pansy Parkinson. A black, good-looking boy, who introduces himself as Blaise Zabini. Pansy sits down beside me while Blaise sits beside Draco. "So you are the one Draco never shuts up about?" Blaise asks.

Draco's eyes widen as he looks between Blaise and me. I laugh. "Everyone keeps saying that to me." I say. Draco's face slightly reddens. Blaise and Pansy look at me surprised. I turn to Draco deciding to ignore the others. A slight smirk is on my face as I begin to talk. "Tell me what it is that keeps you talking about me. I need to stop doing that." As the words leave my mouth Draco tries his best to get his face back to normal but fails.

Blaise laughs loudly at Draco's face and Pansy holds a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughs. My smirk grows wider. "So tell me." I say again. "I grew up with the Krum family. I have a way of making sure nobody forgets me."

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