iv) Snape

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"I don't know why you are worried about that Umbridge woman, Fiona. She doesn't seem like any harm." Pansy says, when we are in the common room after dinner.

I am lying on the ground drawing in my mother's journal. Drawing the different animals she has written about. I look up at Pansy in an amused way. Draco is doing the same while Blaise seems to be as confused as Pansy.

"Even though you two are not talking for some mysterious reason, you two know more than us so just explain it." Blaise says in an annoyed tone.

"She is the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic and yet she is teaching at Hogwarts. Anyone in their right minds should be worried." Draco says.

"And moreover she was at Harry's hearing and the way she kept looking at the Gryffindor table suggests that she is looking to make Harry's life hell, which means mine will be too." I say, not looking up from my drawing.

"How do you know who was at Potter's hearing?" Blaise asks.

I look at Blaise incredulously. Draco sighs irritatedly. "I still talk to Remus and he was with Harry for most of the summer." I say though that is not how I know it.

The real reason I know this is because Lucius told me about everyone who was present and everything else that had happened. But I don't need to tell any of them this.

I go back to drawing again. "Is that all you are worried about?" Pansy asks.

I look up again. I notice Draco roll his eyes. "Why only ask me?" I fire back.

"Because you answer our questions." Blaise

I roll my eyes. They are irritating me a lot. "The words 'Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged' and 'Pruning whatever practices we ought to be prohibited' holds all the answers you want." I say. "Now stop disturbing me and let me focus."

"Are you going to answer us, Draco?" Pansy asks tentatively.

I can't block them out and besides I want to know what Draco has to say. I keep my attention there while drawing in the same place over and over again.

"It means the Ministry's interfering with Hogwarts." Draco replies in a bored voice. "Do me a favor and work those stupid brains of yours."

Draco lapses into silence and Pansy and Blaise talk quietly amongst themselves. I keep drawing again until I hear light snoring. I look up and see Pansy and Blaise asleep, cuddling together. I smile a little.

Draco Malfoy

Finally Pansy and Blaise are asleep. Fiona's on the ground drawing something, her legs up in the air. It is a bit funny seeing her like that.

I slide of the couch and sit near the fireplace, in front of her. She slightly lifts her head then goes back to doing what she was.

I look down to see what page she is on. The page contains information about an occamy and about the traits of a person who has it as a patronus. But the place which holds the names of people with the patronus is empty.

Fiona dips her quill in ink and writes '𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔬 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔣𝔬𝔶' there. Neither of us say a word as she struggles to draw an occamy. I take my wand and cast my patronus.

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