Shadow Figures in Moonlight City!

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As the keepers were crouching and looking up from the bushes they noticed something off about these figures. There was only three of them and one of them looked like a child. The other two were like adults of some kind but they couldn't see very clearly. Somehow one of them was not a child because they were holding some type of blade. Jason pulls his dagger out and holds it close to his side as he gets up and yells, "Hey! Who's there?!"
The three shadows looks over and their faces were shown with half of a mask covering their face. Aqua the one who was holding the blade yells back, "Who the hell are you?!" Jason walks towards them as his keepers follow him slowly then stop. He says in a harsh tone, "One of the leader keepers. Who the hell are you three?" Aqua's eyes widen and gulps as she replies with, "Shadow Spirits." Violet walks over by Jason and tilt head seeing all three of them. Lily and Golden stay behind them just in case some attack was going to happen. Minho and Zeref stare at Jason and Violet. Jason tilt head towards Violet's way and asks, "Shadow Spirits? Who sent you? You aren't with those Emerald Twitches are you?"
Minho raises an eyebrow, "I'm sorry Emerald Twitches? Who the hell are they? We were sent by Tracie from Jackelatern. We were told to meet with Jasmine or Jason." Jason gulps and says, "Tracie? Who made the call to come here? We just came back from Crystal Lake." They stood there for a few minutes puzzled about what the hell was going on and then the doors open from the castle as Jasmine, Bella, Bear, Cameron and Dipsy coming out of the kingdom. Jasmine stops and sees Jason, "Oh brother, welcome home, we didn't see you guys arrived." Jason looks over as he puts his dagger away and says, "Yeah we just had a small chat with them and uh I need to inform Iceymoon they are willing to create an alliance. Did you invite them here or were they needed here?"

Jasmine glances over seeing the shadow spirits and then back at him, "I invited them here. Tracie was saying they needed a place for work so I invited them here. Sorry for not saying anything. I ask them to bring a blade for a new torture idea." Jason nods and starts walking with Violet, Lily and Golden inside the castle. Zeref sighs in relief as he looks over and asks Jasmine, "You really had us almost get caught with the Devil's Gate keepers. Why didn't you tell him anything." Jasmine sighs and looks at him, "I didn't know what was going on. Now come on, I'm taking you guys to of of the shops. That blade better be useful for what I'm about to." She starts walking towards the shops in the city. The others follow her and were wondering what the hell she was talking about but weren't going to question much because all demons do things with weird ideas in minds. Even when it comes to sexual things although not all of them have those types of ideas just ideas for murder or breaking and entering!

Back at the Moonlight Castle, Jason walks to a room, sees Iceymoon, Petunia, Harley and Hansol all sitting down. He stops and bows as he said, "Forgive me for but we have some news from the Ultimate Crystal Hybrids. They are willing to join an alliance and have plans for an army." Iceymoon looks up and says softly, "You're fine but thank you for telling me. Did they say when we can contact them?" Jason nods and says, "They said anytime. They really don't mind, it's their kids they are worried about." He then leans closer to whispers in Iceymoon's ear saying, "Sir, also we seen Shadow figures here, do you think there's a few more shadow figures coming back to take what's there." Iceymoon sighs and says softly, "I'll look into that but if you want to keep an eye on them please report back to me if there's some suspicious things going on." Jason nods and says softly, "yes sir. Right away." Then the keepers walk out of the room as Petunia and Harley looks over at Iceymoon. Harley asks softly, "What's wrong father? Is there something wrong?" Iceymoon looks at them and says, "Shadow figures have appeared in this city. I don't know how many there are but apparently Jason seen some shadow figures. So I don't know what's going to happen." Harley looks down and says softly, "Should we talk to Raven and Dash about it? I don't want us to be scared of other shadow figures."

Iceymoon nods and calls out to Raven and hoping she wasn't the one who sent shadow figures. Raven walks into the room, looking at Iceymoon with a confused look. "You called? Is this about the plan of something else on your mind," She asks as she walks over to them and sits down. Iceymoon asks her, "Do you know why we have shadow figures here and did you send any in this town?" Raven's eyes widen and she gulps as she says, "Moonie, I have not contacted anyone about shadow figures. I don't believe I would of done something. Why?" Iceymoon gulps and says, "Jason said he seen some when they returned to town. Are you guards behind this? I don't want to fight about this but we need to know." Raven stands up and says, "I'll go find my guards, they said they went to a shop. I'll stop them." She walks out of the room and heads out of the castle to find her guards. Harley had gotten up and follows her, as she got closer to her she grabs her arm and says in a hush tone, "Auntie... Don't lie to us. Did you or did you not know about this? If you lie, I may have to teach you a lesson. Powerful or not I am my father's daughter, so tell me the truth." Raven looks at Harley and sighs softly as she says, "I didn't know. I did hear someone say shadow figures are here to see Jasmine. I wouldn't lie to my brother like that. I didn't even know what they were planning but I'll stop them." Raven escapes Harley grips and starts running towards the shops and hoping to find them and change their minds.

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