Ultimate Crystal Hybrids get a letter!

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It was a bright shiny day in the woodlands of Crystal Creek. The was beautiful scenery and lovely gardens around the castle. The Ultimate Crystals lived in peace and were having with their lives. Two kids, Lilith and Zukol were outside playing a game or pirates or something imaginary in their head. Lilith laughs as she points her sword at him and says, "You have lost your grounds here. I will take what's mine and you will lose your life." Zukol fights back saying, "No one will take anything away from me unless it's my justice! You can't stop me." They heard voices from below them, "You two better get done before your mother's come out here and tell you to get down." Zukol whines as Lilith climbs down. The voice was Venom, it was one of their uncles telling them to get down. Zukol climbs down after and Lilith catches him as she floats all the way down with her wings. They both with Royal Ultimate Crystals and their mothers were Lexi and Rae. They were just having fun until their uncle came over to tell them to get down from the tree house. They both follow him inside to the castle and were greeted by their father's. Of course their father's were Toya and Keigo. Two heros who married royalty and had a child. Lilith was the daughter of Lexi and Keigo and Zukol was the son of Rae and Toya. Toya looks at them and says softly, "Were you two outside playing with swords again?" They both nod and Lilith said, "We want be like our mothers. Strong and ain't afraid of a fight." Keigo laughs and nods as they start walking towards the royal meeting room. As Jewel and Lucifer the assassins who help Lexi out where in there as Rae was reading a letter to them. Venom and Loki were sitting as they listen, Lex and Rei feeling bored as they hear the reading. Ember and Lavender were standing behind them listening to everything.

Rae then reads one of the important parts, "We need your help as there is another war starting and we can't keep a low profile forever. Iceymoon's family and my family want you guys to help us out in some way. We would like to make an alliance that way we can keep our kingdoms. Sending guards would be great but sending yourselves to protect our kingdom would be better. Please consider this as helpful information and we need your help. We have notified other kingdoms and need help from everyone. Please send a message back if you consider or offer yourself a travel to talk to us, your true angel, Sapphire." Lexi looks at down and sighs saying, "Another war? Why now?" Tatiana sighs as she was sitting with them, "Someone must be really trying to kill other demons. Violet, Lily and Golden wouldn't want you guys to give up on them. Neither would Sapphire. I'm surprised they are asking for help now." Toya and Keigo stand in the doorway as the kids had to sit down by the wall so the adults could talk. Keigo looks at Lexi and asks, "War? Are we fighting again and again? I thought we gave up that life style to have our family safe." Lexi sighs and looks at him, "It's not our choice. We'll have to go and help them. You guys shouldn't be involved, after what happened last time." Toya glares and says, "Hey! Last time was not our fault. If we didn't protect our kids they could of died." Rae leans back in her chair and says softly, "We can't go into hiding anymore if they need us. But Lexi is right, you guys have to stay and watch the kids. We don't need you two having our kids be in danger again." Loki looks up and asks them, "So what's the plan for helping them?" Lexi looks up and replies, "Figure out what army they need. We'll have to send a letter back or something." Tatiana grabs paper from Venom's notebook and grabs a pen, handing the paper and pen to Rae and Lexi. Lexi grabs the pen and starts writing the letter and says in the letter, 'My sister and I would like to help and fight with you guys but we need a plan on how big the army will be.' Then adds some other thing before folding the paper and give the note to Tatiana and says softly, "Send this to them and we'll have a counsel meeting with the assassins masters and figure this out." Tatiana nods as she takes the note and gets up as she goes to mail the note. Toya and Keigo looks at the girls and tilts head wondering what's going to be said. Lex looks at Lexi and says softly, "I think we have to call for reinforcement for this army to work. We can work together. Our siblings can fight alongside us." Rae sighs and says, "We could talk to our masters about this and see what they say. I know the kids won't let this." Venom sighs and says, "Lilith and Zukol should be old enough to understand their duties as royalty. We know Zukol ain't 18 yet but he can fight. Lilith is worthy of something because she has practiced her powers. Zukol is getting there just not there yet." Rae looks at her brother and says, "Zukol isn't old enough to fight! Lilith is a different story but I don't need him getting hurt. Plus do you think it's wise to have a 16 year old out on the battle field just to get killed or shot. He's too young for that!" Venom looks at Rae and says, "He's ready to learn something because I've seen him notice the fighting style you do. He's my nephew, he has his power from his father down, he's getting his other powers just slowly. He wants to make you proud at least."

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