Meeting the Demon Shifters!

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Iceymoon had picked one of his guards to go with him. It was Jason since he wasn't going to argue with him about this. They had travel by carriage since the prison was far away from the Moonlight City. They didn't care about the long nights or short days since their world wasn't fast on time. The prison they were going to was a highly secure place and a scary place to other demons. They held the most dangerous demons or shifters. The four shifters Iceymoon was wanting, were highly scary and one of them was a criminal in their life. A few others were just scary and broke a few laws. But one in general was actually an old friend of Iceymoon's and they use to do things together until one day he was taken away. Soon Jason and Iceymoon arrive at the Demon prison and get out of the carriage. Khole and Duke bows as they welcome Iceymoon and Jason. They both were the lead guards of this prison. Duke was the one who lead them inside and took them both into a secure room and replies softly, "They are behind the door. Do you need the chains off them?" Iceymoon shakes his head and says, "That won't be necessary, I just want to talk to them before I make my decision." Duke nods and opens the door yelling at the prisoners, "You guys have visitors, also treat your guest right!"

Morpheus looks up as he seen the door open and two figures walk in looking at them. He knew who one of them was and he sits there asking harshly, "Well if it isn't Iceymoon. What does my old friend want?" Iceymoon smiles and replies, "To talk to you guys. We have an issue and it's about the evil twins starting a war and I need you guys so I can explain to every kingdom what to do." Echo looks up and she says softly, "Evil twins? War? I haven't heard of that since I was a little succubus. You need our help?" Jason nods and looks over seeing Syn staring at him. Syn turns his head and they asks softly, "What do you need us for?" Jason smirks and says, "To be our protection if we are thrown into a war." Lou makes a face as he hears war and looks at Syn, "You would make a great toy. I already use you as my pleasure. So you need us for this counsel meeting and protection. What do we get in return?" Iceymoon smirks and looks at all of them, "Freedom if you're good. Also no fucking Syn or Echo for pleasure. Theses ladies don't need you using them up." Syn blushes and nods as they say, "But I was never given a gender. Just have female parts but was told I'm not a gender." Jason chuckles and says softly, "You're a female. I have a girlfriend who's that way. Anyway, get up, I'll inform Duke to remove your chains." Iceymoon smiles as he knocks on the door and it opens as he walks out. Jason walks to the doorway and says to Duke, "Let them go. Also be careful with the ladies. I'm leading them out." Duke nods and walks into the room and unchains them. Jason smiles and gives a robe to each of them. Morpheus smiles as he walks with Jason and his other shifters. He asks Jason a question, "So? You are one of the keepers Iceymoon has? How's it going with that?" Jason smiles and replies as he walks with them, "It's great. You guys will be welcome in Moonie's kingdom, us guards usually stay in our hut at the Devil's Gate." Echo holds Syn's hand and asks softly as she was listening, "Devil's Gate? You guys must be the strongest keepers there. How do you keep souls in check?" Jason chuckles and replies, "Well my sister takes care of them and my other two keepers, they keep watching for souls appearing or traveling around. We get a few souls but we don't keep track of them." Lou nods and looks up as they were out of the prison and sees the sky. He says softly, "I've never seen the sky in awhile. It's been awhile. I wish we could of seen this everyday." Iceymoon smiles and says as they get to the carriage, "Yeah I bet y'all didn't see much sunlight and I bet you were joking about using Syn for sex." Lou chuckles and nods saying, "Oh yeah. Morpheus didn't really do that. But I hate to say I never pleasure anyone before." Jason chuckles as he says, "Once y'all get use to your freedom which is now going to happen. You can experience love, lust or whatever you want to experience. No breaking laws, well around the kingdom." Morpheus chuckles and nods.

They all get into the carriage and head back the Moonlight City. They did pass by the Devil's Gate but didn't stop. The keepers today were at the kingdom helping Xus and Clover with some decorations and a meal for new guests. They were hoping the demon shifters be happy to see full plates of food and dessert. Also hoping they love their welcoming present which was a music box playing so soft music for their ears. Soon they hear the doors open of the castle and they all stand by the dining room table smiling. Iceymoon walks in with Jason and the demon shifters. They look around and see a sign saying welcome. Syn blinks looking at the sign, she says, "Ive never a sign like this before." Echo smiles and nods as she agrees. Lou looks at at the sign and smiles as he looks at the keepers and two other girls standing by them. Morpheus smiles as he waves and looks over and asks, "Violet?! Is that you sweetie? Oh my you've grown." Violet looks up and smiles as she heard Morpheus and runs over to him and hugs him. She says softly after letting go of him, "Morpheus, I can't believe it. Hey you've changed alot. I remember when you didn't get in trouble. Hahah so how's freedom?" Morpheus chuckles and nods replying, "Well it just started. Moonie is giving us a place to stay. I like you to meet Lou, our mortal demonic beast shifter, Echo our incubus and succubus shifter and Syn, our demon gods or goddess shifter. Guys this is Violet, she's Jason's little sister and Moonie's half sister." Lou waves and smirks softly saying, "Hey, how you doing?" Violet looks at him and replies, "I'm doing alright." Echo waves and giggles smiling. Syn also waves and smiles, "Nice to meet you. I hope we get to be friends." Violet smiles and nods as she says, "Yeah definitely." Jason smiles and chuckles as looks at them. Iceymoon smiles and says, "Shall we eat? I bet everyone is hungry. Let's sit down and eat." They all nod and sit at the table to eat. Syn looks at the plate and gulps softly saying, "I... I never get this much food when we were keep in that secure prison." Lou nods and looks at her, "It's alright just eat what you can. They made us food and want us to enjoy it. I'm sure you're really hungry dear." Syn blushes and looks down and nods as she starts eating. Morpheus shakes his head and eats his food. Echo eats her food, as she drinks her water she says, "It's nice to have a meal with new friends and be free and no more being told to stay in one room. So who is everyone else besides Iceymoon, Jason and Violet." Lily waves and says, "hi I'm Lily and next to me is Golden. Next to Jason is his girlfriend Xus and then Moonie's sister next to Xus, is Clover. That's who everyone else missed to introduce us. So yeah!" Lou nods as he eats his food and drinks water. Syn drinks her water and looks up them, "Nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll get along."

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