Guests in Moonlight City!

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After Clover and Xus had fainted from the seeing the figures, Iceymoon walks out and yells as he says, "Hey do you know how you treat your hosts here? Why did you make Clover and Xus faint?" He hears a voice from the first figure, "Harley, that wasn't a good idea. It was family members. Why do you use that power?" The second figures replies, "Because mother, it makes people not mess with me. Plus I didn't know that was aunt Clover." Iceymoon gulps and says softly, "Harley? Petunia? You guys came back?" Dash appears behind them and says, "That's why I came to see you. Your daughter has come back." Iceymoon's mood changes and says I'm a cheerful tone, "Harley! Petunia! I missed you guys so much!" Harley smiles and pulls off her mask and runs to Iceymoon as she says, "Father! I've come home!" She hugs him tightly as Petunia pulls off her mask and runs after Harley and joins the hugs. Iceymoon smiles as he was happy see his wife and daughter again. Clover and Xus wakes and sits up looking up. Clover asks, "who did that?!" Harley lets go of Iceymoon and looks over at Clover, "I'm so sorry Auntie!" Clover's eyes widen as she gets up and replies, "Harley! Oh my, you're home. You've gotten stronger I see." Xus looks up as she looks at Harley and waves, "Hey Harley. I haven't seen you since you were a little girl." Harley looks at Xus and smiles, "You're still with Jason? How's that love life?" Xus laughs and gets up as she says, "Wild. I heard something about you and Sapphire's son were coming back." Harley gulps, "you mean Hansol? Yeah." Clover raises an eyebrow, "Why you so shy about it? Does my niece like him?" Harley sighs and nods saying, "Yes. We like each other but I wouldn't get my father's approval if he met him." Iceymoon looks at Harley as Petunia holds his hand. He says to Harley, "I would approve. I've met his mother. So I don't mind you going after him." Harley smiles blushes as she asks, "You sure? I don't want to disappoint you." Petunia smiles and says, "You never disappointed him. He wants the best for you and we think you're old enough to make your own decisions." Iceymoon nods and sighs as he sees Kasumi and Ayane. Kasumi says, "Sorry to interrupt but we've noticed Taven had tried to get Zelo from the Cloud Castle to turn on angels and Circle Nine, they all live in a club." Ayane says adding some extra information, "Also, they have more Emerald Twitches in their club and we also had to fight to get out of there. But yes we got a lot of information. I think we'll stay in town for awhile. Tundra isn't really ready to go home yet." Clover nods and says, there's a hotel near us where y'all can stay at. Unless Moonie has an ideas." Iceymoon nods and says softly, "You can stay in my cabin next to the castle. It's just near our garden. So you guys will feel safe." Ayane nods and looks at Kasumi, "Go tell them to follow you." Then looks at Iceymoon, "Thank you my lord. We'll be safe." She walks with Kasumi to tell the others.

Harley looks at Iceymoon and asks the question, "Emerald Twitches? Who came up with that name? Also why do you have assassins here?" Iceymoon looks at her and says, "The Evil twins and assassins were here for a mission. We've had issues with those people for years. We may have a war." Harley looks at him and smiles saying, "Well I'm your daughter, I will join your army and fight for what's right. I'll stand beside my father and let the world know not to mess with the moonlight demons. I was made for this father. Please let me join it?" Petunia looks at Iceymoon and says softly, "Moonie she's growing up so fast. She wants to learn your combat skills." Iceymoon smiles and nods as he says, "Alright sweetie. I'll teach you everything about combat. If you're lucky, I'll step down from my throne one day and you'll will be given my crown." Harley smiles nods as she says happily, "I'll make you proud. I'm glad mother and I came back. We missed you and she was in the wrong to leave you." Petunia looks at Harley and says, "I think your father and I should talk about that alone. Uh shall we go inside and talk?" Iceymoon nods and says softly as he heads inside, "Yeah. I think we can talk in the bedroom if that's more private." Petunia nods as she follows him. Harley sighs and sits down on the steps. Dash sighs as she was still standing there and says, "I'm sorry they won't talk to you about it. It's fine though. I know your mother wouldn't want you to hear the yelling or fighting words she would throw at your father. He missed you both dearly."
Harley nods and says softly, "You're right. I'm not really the type of person to listen to yelling." Dash nods and goes over to hug Harley. Then after she ends up leaving with her guards. Clover, Harley and Xus all walk inside and sit in the living room as they hear some talking. Harley stays quiet as she could hear her parents just talking a bit loud.

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