Iceymoon Sends Assassins to Spy.

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The morning of the next day had arrived. Mostly the shifters were either still asleep or cuddling. But some had woken up to the smell of food. Iceymoon had woken up before anyone else and had made some breakfast. He was in the process of eating when he seen Clover, Xus and Morpheus up. Morpheus smiles as he says, "Good morning. How is everyone?" Iceymoon replies back, "Morning. Everything is just fine. I'm hoping to start a meeting for some assassins I had notified earlier. I think I even was sent three hybrids, a demon and a vampire assassin to help out. Also Xus and Clover just want to be there so I'm giving them the job too." Morpheus nods and looks over as he sees Jason walking into the room, along with Violet who was wearing pajamas at the time. "Looks like we weren't the only ones invited to this little sleepover last night," Morpheus says softly. Jason chuckles and says, "I asked Iceymoon if my keepers could stay over. Lily and Violet can't sleep well with Golden's sleep talking. Plus I can't hear myself think. That hut by the gateway is nice but sleeping there is a nightmare. So Moonie said it be fine if we stayed here." Iceymoon nods and says softly, "Yup. Gives me company and feels like I have family again." Violet smiles and sits by Iceymoon as she eats some food and takes a cup of coffee from Xus. Morpheus and looks at Iceymoon as he asks, "Uh moonie, when are your assassins supposed to be here?" Moonie looks at him and gulps softly, "They said this morning I have no idea when." Clover gets up and says, "I'll check for you. You finish your food." She walks out of the kitchen and walks to the entrance area of the castle and smiles as she sees Ayane, Kasumi, Tundra, Minnie and Luci standing around. She clears her throat and says, "He knew you be here. Please follow me to the thorne room. I'll get him for you." They nod as Clover walks to the throne room. She walks back to the kitchen and says, "Moonie, they are here!" Iceymoon nods and gets up as he walks with his robe on and just heads to the throne room as Xus and Clover follow after him. The assassins look up seeing Iceymoon and bow. Minnie bows as the others did. Iceymoon smiles and says softly, "Thank you for coming sorry for the confusion about everything but Emerald Twitches are up to something and we need your help. My other assassins will be going with you. I'm surprised there's only one male going." Minnie stands up and says, "I work better with females. I'm gay, so my feminine side comes in handy to trick guys." Iceymoon nods and smiles as he hears that answer. He then looks at the rest, "Now we don't know where they are located but they were last located by Circle Nine and Cloud nine. We need you guys to go spy and watch out for danger." Tundra nods and stands up as she says, "It will be done my lord." Kasumi nods and says, "I'll keep eyes out for any threats." Ayane crosses arms as she stands up, "We are ready!" Luci stands up and nods. Iceymoon smiles and claps as he says, "Alright you're free to go. Xus and Clover go with them." Xus nods as the others start walking towards the entrance of the castle to leave. Clover follows them as they get outside. Ayane climbs on her motorcycle and starts it to summon some bloodhound bats to give everyone else a ride. Clover smiles and climbs on the bloodhound bats. These bats were big enough for anyone ride and were leash to the motorcycle so Ayane could control it. Ayane starts moving as everyone was on the bloodhound bats and head to Circle Nine first. Kasumi standing on the bat as she was looking around and notices a figure walking to a club. But then notices a few figures in the street. She yells to get Ayane's attention, "Hey! We need to check here first! I seen a few figures near a club!"

Ayane nods as she makes a turn to an alley way and then makes around turn and parks her motorcycle in a spot with a bunch of cars are around. Kasumi jumps off the bat and pulls down her glasses that was a spy glass and she searched around to find the club and she pulls up the glasses saying, "The club is this way." Clover climbs off the bat and looks at her, "So what's the plan?" Kasumi looks at her and replies, "Ayane, You and me go to the club and check them we'll have Minnie and Luci go check the streets. Tundra and Xus stay here in case anyone tries to make a getaway with Ayane's cycle." Clover nods and gives Xus one of her blades and walks with Ayane and Kasumi to the club. Luci and Minnie climb off the bats and walks down the street. Minnie has his device to get a hold of Tundra or Kasumi. It was like a communicator but more advanced as he was able to get a hold of both at once." The three girls walks into the entrance club with an Emerald Twitches welcoming them in. It was Tayshee and she seen them saying, "Welcome to the Emerald club. Can I get you lovely girls something?" Ayane smiles and asks nicely, "Do you know where we can talk to Taven or Tina?" Tayshee looks at them and says, "Well the boss, he's at Cloud Nine with Tina, Scarlet and Muzik. I can take a message or you can ask Ahmya who's with Maya and Celine over there." Ayane nods and says sweetly, "Thanks hun." Kasumi nods as her and Clover follow Ayane over to a private booth. Tayshee pulls out her texting device and texts Winston about some girls who came in the club. Ayane leans on the table as she looks at Ahmya asking, "Hello dear. Do you have any idea where your boss is? Also why is he there?" Ahmya looks at her and glares saying, "He's on a special mission and doesn't like to be bothered." Maya looks at Kasumi and Clover and asks, "You guys guards or something. It's odd to see three chicks with knives by their belts and wearing weird looking outfits." Kasumi glares and says, "We are travelers." Celina raises an eyebrow and asks, "Then why are you asking about our boss? Unless you hear something. Like war or killings." Ayane looks at her and asks, "Killings?" Celina nods and says, "Yes. We had a mortal walk in here and Taven shot them. We don't talk kindly to certain mortals." Ayane raises an eyebrow, "So then why are Ahmya and that bartender here?" Maya looks at her and says, "They're our assassins and can do well." Kasumi feels her device go off and she says softly, "Sorry. I have to take this." She walks quickly out of the club and opens it as it was Minnie. She picks up and goes, "Did you guys anything information?" Minnie replies, "We found a guard who was saying there's assassins in that club and we shouldn't trust them. Are you guys still there?" Kasumi nods and replies, "Yes but we might be leaving..." She pauses as she seen two figures walking towards the building. It was Winston and Mavis walking to the club. Kasumi puts device away and walks back into the club and walks to Clover whispering, "We might have company. Let's go." Clover nods and grabs Ayane's arm as she says, "Well it was nice to talk to you guys we have to go." The three girls hurry to the door but are stopped by Tayshee with a gun. She glares and smirks softly saying, "Where are you going? You just got here." Kasumi glares and says, "My family is outside waiting on us so c'mon let us go." Tayshee growls as Winston and Mavis come in with Minne and Luci and throws them on the ground by Clover's feet. Ahmya stands behind up and points a gun at them as she says, "We know why you're here. Who the hell are you working for?" Clover glares, "We won't tell you." Mavis laughs as she says, "That's a bad idea because your other girls outside by the motorcycle are tied up. Tell us now!" Ayane's eyes turn red as she yells, "Those are my friends!" She jumps up as her wings and fangs appear and she tackles Mavis. Kasumi pulls out her gun and glares at Tayshee. Clover helps Luci and Minnie up to their feet and pulls out her daggers. Minnie looks over at Ahmya and pulls his gun out and points it at her. He glares, "You shoot my team, I'll blow your brains out." Ahmya smiles and says softly, "Hahaha try me." Minnie points to the ceiling and shoots. Ahmya was about to shoot as Clover kicks her gun outta her hands and starts swinging her daggers. Ahmya pulls out her knife and blocks Clover's attacks. Kasumi glares as she kicks Tayshee to the wall and yells, "Minnie get to Xus and Tundra! Luci go with him!" Luci and Minnie nods as they run out of the club to help Xus and Tundra. Ayane gets up from attacking Mavis and jumps on Winston and bites him. Winston winces and screams as he falls on the floor. Ayane smiles and looks at Celina and Maya as they were standing up. Both of them just got on the floor and closed their eyes. Ayane runs out of the club to help Minnie and Luci. After Tayshee and Ahmya were knocked out, Kasumi and Clover run out of the club to see if Xus and Tundra got some help. Tundra was scared as she held on to Minnie. Minnie holds her as he says softly, "It'll be okay." Clover looks at Xus and asks, "Hey are you okay?" Xus nods and sighs, "I swear we were going to die." Kasumi nods and pulls her device up and sends a message to Iceymoon. Then she looks at everyone else, "Let's get out of here and head to Cloud Nine. We gotta figure out what he's doing there." Ayane nods and gets back on her motorcycle as her eyes turn back to purple and fangs hide. Everyone else gets on the bats except for Tundra and Minnie. Minnie had decided to hold her since she was still scared and felt herself cry even more. They all decided to keep a low profile once they arrive to Cloud Nine. Ayane parks her motorcycle by a building. Kasumi uses her spy glasses as she looks around for any sight of Taven or Tina. She sighs and turns it off saying, "I got nothing." Ayane looks around as she sees a couple walking down the street. Clover looks over and blinks as she says out loud, "Icy? Jewell?" They couple stop and look over seeing Clover. Icy looks at her and asks, "What are you doing here?" Clover jumps off the bat and walks over to them, "I should be asking you guys the same thing? Why are you here?" Jewell gulps and says, "Date night. Why are you here?" Clover replies, "Mission. We got ambush at Circle Nine Club Emeralds."
Jewell blinks and asks softly, "Are you guys looking for Taven?" Kasumi gets off her bat and stands by Clover as she says, "Yeah. How do you guys know each other." Clover looks over and says, "Oh uh Xus and I went on a mission with them. Plus we are in alliance with them." Kasumi nods and says, "Nice. I'm Kasumi, um that one on the cycle is Ayane. Then Minnie and Tundra and Luci. Of course you both know Xus too." Luci looks up and sees Jewell, "Hi again." Jewell looks up and gulps, "Hi." Icy sighs softly and says, "If You're looking for Taven and his friends, we seen them go towards the Cloud castle."

Kasumi raises an eyebrow, "Cloud Castle?" Luci's eyes widen and gulps, "There's where Spot, Dot, and Yull live. The Lord of that castle is Zelo. He's the son of Cupid Love." Ayane looks at her and asks, "How do you know that?" Luci sighs and says, "I use to come here as a child for the Cupid festival. I remember Zelo and I met under the Ferris wheel and said, one day I'll be love. I never believe him til I met you guys." Minnie smiles and says softly, "At least you have us. Also I think Tundra fell asleep." Kasumi smiles saying, "I have a plan. Uh thanks for the information please enjoy your date. Ayane stay with Minnie and Tundra. Luci, you're coming with me. Clover and Xus, you guys are coming with but to watch over." Clover nods as Icy and Jewell walking away from them.

Xus gets off the bat along with Luci. They start walking as Kasumi and Clover head to Cloud Castle. They see there's few figures by the castle and head towards them. A figure walks towards them with a gun in hand and stops them in their tracks. Muzik looks at them and glares, "Sorry Zelo, isn't seeing anyone else today. He's talking with Taven." Luci glares and stands by Kasumi saying, "If he's so busy why is Yull, Spot and Dot tied up outside? Who are you a guard?" Before Muzik replies Luci stabs him in the arm and pushed him down as she ran to Yull, Spot and Dot. Yull looks up and gulps in fear but says, "Luci! Help us!" Luci kneels down and unties them. Kasumi follows her along with Xus and Clover as they pulled their daggers out. Kasumi smiles and says to Luci, "So proud of you. Hurry let's get inside and help Zelo." Luci nods and gets up heading inside with Kasumi. Clover and Xus stay outside, keeping an eye on danger. Clover kneels down by Yull and asks, "Are you guys okay? What happened?" Dot whimpers and says, "They wanted to take us away so Zelo will agree to war against his fellow angels." Yull hugs him and nods saying, "They took us away from Zelo so he could talk to Taven. Last thing I remember, being tied up and almost had a knife to my throat. I'm so glad someone came to save us." Clover nods and says softly, "It's okay. We are here to help. Plus we were sent to see what's going on."

Yull looks at her and smiles, "Moonie sent you guys? I appreciate him sending you assassins." Clover's eyes widen and looks at her, "How did you know?" Yull looks at her and says softly, "I was an assassin once. I was sent on spy on enemies or fight to save others from danger. I know what it's like to be a hero or defeat an enemy." Clover smiles and nods as she hear that answer. Xus sees three figures come out of the castle and they were yelling. Tina yells, "You can do this to us! Let go of Scarlet! Let go of my girlfriend!" Luci had followed them with a knife to Scarlet's throat and was dragging Tina and Taven out. Xus gulps seeing Luci looking scary and seen her throw them next to Muzik. Luci glares and says harshly, "Call off your guards and get the hell out of here before I kill you all myself. If you think I'm playing then think again! Zelo is my friend and I will kill people who hurt my friends! So just learn the next time! Now get out of here!" Her eyes turn red as she yells. Taven surrenders as his other guards appear and take Muzik, Tina, Scarlet and Taven back to their hideout. Kasumi walks out with Zelo behind her and looks at Luci. Luci looks down as her eyes were still red from anger and was calming down. Zelo pulls off his royal jacket as he runs over to Luci and lifts her chin up. Luci's eyes widen as she sees him lift her chin and their eyes meet. Zelo smiles and kisses her cheek as he says softly, "You've become strong and a hero. Luci, you're braver than anyone else I know."
Luci blushes as he says that and looks down. Kasumi laughs and bows, "I think we should report back to Iceymoon." Zelo nods as he looks at Luci and says softly, "Also Luci, I missed you." Luci looks at him and asks, "You did? I thought you didn't like me." Zelo smiles and says softly, "I do like you. If I didn't like I wouldn't do this." Luci looks at him asking, "Do what?" Zelo smirks and leans in and kisses her. Luci blushes more as he kissed her. Yull gasps as Dot laughs and Spot giggles. Kasumi says softly as she stands by Xus, "Woah. Didn't see that coming." Xus nods saying, "Same here." Zelo pulls away and chuckles as he walks back to the entrance and grabs his jacket and waves. Luci waves as Yull, Spot, and Dot get up and follow him. Kasumi shakes head and waves as she leads Clover, Luci and Xus back to Ayane and the others. They then head back to Moonlight City and Luci stays quiet the whole ride back as to not telling anyone her and Zelo use to have a relationship when they were younger. But as soon as they had arrived at Moonlight City, something felt off and they couldn't put their finger on it but it seems like they were under attack or someone came by and took someone. As it seems Skull City guards were at the castle and there was something that didn't fit right.
Clover remembers getting off the bat as they had arrived to the castle and sees two figures with masks on. She gulps as she heard her name then she faints. Xus had followed her and caught her as she seems the figures too and then everything went black and quiet. Something happened to both of the girls to make them faint and feel like danger was coming!

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